
I Am Alive Critic Reviews

68 Total Reviews

46 Positive Reviews(67.6%)
22 Mixed Reviews(32.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Guardian March 6, 2012
I Am Alive uses its post-apocalyptic environment far more effectively than many other games that share its nightmare vision of the future. I Am Alive joins games such as Fallout, RAGE and Left 4 Dead in its setting where a some horrendous event put paid to civilisation as we know it, but in truth, it's far closer in its atmosphere and aesthetic values to Cormac MacCarthy's grim post-apocalyptic novel, The Road.
GameWatcher March 6, 2012
To put it simply, I Am Alive is one of the most important releases this generation. Ubisoft should be commended for producing a title that challenges many adult themes. The effort is an amazingly brave and thought-provoking one, resulting in a product that is memorable and undeniably unique. People will be talking about this for years to come, and with good reason.
XGN March 6, 2012
I Am Alive is a great game and it clearly has its similarities with Assassin's Creed. But don't worry, you'll definitely get that typical survival feeling. Unlike Altair and Ezio, you are not a superhero and have you'll have to take a stamina bar into account. The combination of the AC feeling and the survival theme makes I Am Alive a great game. It's a pity that the controls aren't always as smooth.
Game Over Online March 6, 2012
This is a surprisingly risky game, which deals with a lot of uncomfortable subject matter. It reminds me of a lot of the games that came out in the middle of the Dreamcast's lifespan, where you could go ahead and release whatever you liked and Sega would probably approve it, because why the hell not. It's exactly the kind of thing I like to see in the online marketplace, and I'm glad I finally got the chance to play it. It's dark, frightening, intense, and often very satisfying.
Gamestyle March 6, 2012
Overall, I Am Alive is a fantastic achievement for a downloadable title. It manages to achieve a feeling of survival that not many have managed to achieve. It tells a story really well and the end of each chapter keeps you wanting more and makes you want to push on.
Console Monster March 8, 2012
One of the finest details in the game is its graphics and the use of sound in the game.
GameCritics April 2, 2012
With its darkly mature subject material and radical re-interpretations of standard play formulas, I Am Alive is both emotionally difficult and conceptually challenging-and those are wonderful things in my book. R
MondoXbox March 6, 2012
I Am Alive successfully introduces new mechanics to the survival genre, and it does it offering us an interesting story in a convincing environment. We'd love to see it evolved to a full-blown, high budget AAA game.
XboxAddict March 16, 2012
If you like a challenging post-apocalyptic platforming adventure game, then line up your 1200 MS points because this game is worth every penny.
Destructoid March 6, 2012
As a downloadable title, I Am Alive is a remarkable accomplishment. Not only does it create an atmospheric world that feels real enough to identify with, but it succeeds at delivering a unique experience geared towards an adult audience while simultaneously being a fun game to play. It's a roller coaster of emotions, sometimes not exactly the ones the game intended you to feel, but a hell of a ride nonetheless.
Game Informer March 6, 2012
I Am Alive's desperate scenarios and inventive gameplay should not be missed by masochistic gamers interested in entering a world of unrelenting dread.
Games Master UK April 3, 2012
A top-notch, horror-free survival-horror well worth playing at least twice over.
Videogameszone.de March 8, 2012
I am Alive is an amazingly atmospheric and innovative survival adventure. It's a shame that the story concludes in an disappointing ending that comes way too soon.
GamesBeat March 12, 2012
In a time when most games want to baby us with giant "go here!" waypoints, regenerating health, and an overabundance of save and checkpoints, I Am Alive kicks us in the ass with heart-pounding, intense, and unforgiving gameplay. It takes a lot of chances, and as a result, it's one that will stick in my memory for a long time to come.
GameFocus March 6, 2012
Given its turbulent development, I expected it to come in dead on arrival. Instead, I found it to be a solid survival game that, above anything else, kept my palms sweaty and my muscles tense.
Multiplayer.it March 7, 2012
An odd mix between adventure, FPS and platform, with outstanding atmosphere. Graphics are not alway on par with the rest.
3DJuegos March 22, 2012
I Am Alive gives players a pure survival experience at a low price.
Eurogamer March 6, 2012
What I Am Alive lacks in originality, though, it makes up for in execution, because it really nails the tone.
Eurogamer Sweden March 6, 2012
We've had five amazing hours climbing the buildings and meeting the inhabitants of the post-apocalyptic Haventon, so we're glad that Ubisoft let the title live. However, we just wish they would have bothered to make it a full length game as this is like reading the first chapter of I Am Alive, not the entire book.
Eurogamer Italy March 6, 2012
A very entertaining and original game that has suffered the downgrade from triple A to digital download from the technical point of view. Even with its limitations, anyway, it's an experience we suggest you try.