In Fear I Trust Critic Reviews
12 Total Reviews
3 Positive Reviews(25%)
8 Mixed Reviews(66.7%)
1 Negative Reviews(8.3%)
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Arcade Sushi
January 27, 2014
In Fear I Trust may annoy gamers who love to zip through their apps with unrivaled speed, especially since downloading the title takes a bit longer than expected. Loading times, when one returns to the app, are also a bit slower than average, so if you have places to go and really don’t have time to wait, this isn’t an iOS experience you’ll cherish.
January 24, 2014
Dark and moderately disturbing, In Fear I Trust offers enough to keep one hanging off the edge of their seat.
January 26, 2014
In Fear I Trust is an enthralling adventure that will keep your mind active, and skin crawling throughout. It’s a well crafted experience that is a should buy, and one to believe in.
January 24, 2014
Long term, In Fear I Trust has great potential with an awesome story- Particularly as they figure out where the plot is going in future episodes. In its current form, it's pretty buggy, and would have benefitted greatly with even a little bit of extra time baking inside of the proverbial development oven.
Digital Spy
January 28, 2014
Without combat or much in the way of jump scares, In Fear I Trust is a mobile horror game that works well with the platform to focus on exploration and atmosphere to send a chill down a player's spine.
January 28, 2014
In Fear I Trust is a well-made thriller with some clever puzzles, but its tendency towards tired horror clichés makes it feel generic and aimless.
God is a Geek
January 30, 2014
While the design is excellent, with a creepiness that’ll make you hear noises in the night, only buy this to play on an iPad unless you have tiny fingers.
Pocket Gamer UK
January 31, 2014
In Fear I Trust could have been a worthy entry to the creepy escape-the-room genre, but it's let down by poor controls, fumbled puzzles, and tired horror clichés.
February 13, 2014
In Fear I Trust successfully infuses a sense of dread into is abandoned rooms and grimy corridors. However, it undermines its own atmospheric efforts with awkward controls and unintuitive puzzles.
Slide to Play
January 27, 2014
In Fear I Trust, tries very hard to create an immersive experience. However, it falls short of doing so with clunky controls, very slow pacing, and vague puzzles.
Grab It Magazine
April 14, 2014
The glimpses of potential that occasionally shine into In Fear I Trust's darkness make the end result even more disappointing. An intriguing start is let down by a nonsensical story, frustrating puzzles and fiddly controls.
January 28, 2014
Clearly a lot of effort was expended in making the game look and sound arresting, but very little care was wasted on anything else.