
Infinity Blade III Critic Reviews

27 Total Reviews

22 Positive Reviews(81.5%)
5 Mixed Reviews(18.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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TouchArcade September 17, 2013
While Infinity Blade II was a refinement of the original, Infinity Blade III takes the familiar Infinity Blade formula and tweaks it to the point of perfection. There's far more content, even more customization, additional systems to delve in to, and best of all, huge dragons.
IGN September 18, 2013
It’s packed with incredible voice acting, gorgeous visuals, and intense, rewarding combat.
Modojo September 18, 2013
The spectacular visuals, addictive combat and wealth of collectibles make it another quality addition to Chair's growing portfolio.
Arcade Sushi September 19, 2013
Infinity Blade III is proof that some of the best RPGs can actually be downloaded to a smart phone or better yet, your iPad.
AppSmile September 24, 2013
With the addition of a playable female protagonist, a greatly expanded game world, collectible ingredients for enhancement potions, and a richer storyline, Infinity Blade III retains all of the fantastic elements of the first two offerings while managing to improve in fun new ways. We’ll be quite disappointed if this truly is Infinity Blade’s swan song, as each iteration has been decidedly better than its predecessor.
Gamereactor Sweden September 26, 2013
Interesting story, graphics beyond comparison and an interesting mix between action and RPG. We weren’t expecting any less, and we’re not disappointed.
Gamezebo September 26, 2013
While Infinity Blade III doesn’t break any significantly fresh ground, it manages to refine everything that we’ve loved about the series to absolute perfection. As the end of a trilogy, I could think of no better way to close things out.
Game Informer September 19, 2013
Despite these disappointments, I still enjoyed my wildly addicted time with the game, constantly tweaking my gear to gain every advantage. Even after the review I still find myself lured back for that second time through the campaign searching for gold and rare loot.
IGN Italia September 23, 2013
The final chapter of the saga is also the best so far. Chair managed to transform Infinity Blade in a huge adventure, maintaining combat system fun and easy to master. Nevertheless it's time for the best good looking game on iOS to evolve its formula and improve the gameplay.
Multiplayer.it September 24, 2013
With its gorgeous graphics and huge amount of content, Infinity Blade III sure is a great deal for its price: however, not all of the new features work accordingly, making this final chapter somewhat less enjoyable than expected.
AppSpy September 18, 2013
Though its grindier moments don't completely gel with its level-based structure, Infinity Blade III is a handsome and often thrilling end to a landmark series.
MacLife September 20, 2013
Infinity Blade III caps off the epic franchise in a largely dazzling manner, though the repetitive nature of the series resonates more strongly than ever.
Apple'N'Apps September 20, 2013
Infinity Blade III is a should buy for one deluxe iOS experience that can be repetitive at times, but still is an overall enjoyable, engaging, and entertaining experience.
Gamereactor Denmark September 24, 2013
The riveting growth of the handheld market in general means we're not as blown away by the third Infinity Blade game as we'd expected we'd be, but it's still a solid game with the potential to become the best of the series.
3DJuegos September 26, 2013
Great graphics and a unique atmosphere are the best features of this adventure. Infinity Blade III lacks the novelty and wow-factor found on its previous chapters, but nonetheless it´s a fantastic game.
Slide to Play September 18, 2013
Infinity Blade III continues to set the standard for iOS graphics, but it's time for Chair to improve the gameplay as well.
Games Master UK October 20, 2013
It looks stunning, but repetitive play and a higher focus on gear sullies the experience.
Pocket Gamer UK September 18, 2013
With Infinity Blade 3, Chair turns the thrilling sword-fighting series into a huge adventure. The reliance on frequent deaths and forced grinding, however, is an infuriating relic from previous games.
Metro GameCentral September 18, 2013
A rather disappointing end to such a ground-breaking trilogy, where all the bold new ideas seem very much at odds with the core gameplay.
Eurogamer September 20, 2013
The primal joys of a perfect parry followed by a killing blow against a hulking monster mean that Infinity Blade 3 was always going to be good fun where it counts. But between distracting feature creep and the inclusion of in-app purchases just because everyone else is using them, it feels like a game that exists more to serve a publishing agenda than an essential closing chapter in a coherent trilogy.