Marvel's Spider-Man Critic Reviews
129 Total Reviews
114 Positive Reviews(88.4%)
2 Mixed Reviews(1.6%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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September 5, 2018
A joy from start to finish. It is not only one of the best games to be released this year, it is one of the defining games of a generation.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
December 31, 2018
Spider-Man is a splendidly tuned action game with a stunning story, great action and gameplay mechanisms that won’t bore you for a moment. You should not miss out on this trip among comic heroes. It's a bomb!
September 4, 2018
I can’t stop thinking about this game. If I’m not playing it, I want to be. The web-slinging is brilliant, the combat is deceptively deep and diverse, and there are a million things to do. The story is emotional, resonant, and teases fans of the series in countless ways. It’s one of the best looking games of the year, and honestly, one of the best games I’ve ever played, full stop.
Press Start Australia
September 4, 2018
It’s hard to fault Marvel’s Spider-Man in a lot of areas as Insomniac has taken their game to the next level. As a developer, they have gone from strength to strength and Spider-Man is a culmination of their past hits. There’s a stunning verticality that compliments the game’s watertight mechanics and, despite the literal boundaries, still makes the city seem boundless. If you’re a Marvel die-hard, there’s enough fanfare here to sink a ship as Spider-Man emerges as the new gold standard. Spider-Man is, without question, the best superhero game ever.
September 4, 2018
There are not enough words to describe how beautiful the game looks, or how despite the huge number of alternate costumes you have access too, nothing feels as right as the new suit Insomniac created. I could spin webs about the excellent boss fights that liter the back half of the game, and how they manage to test your skills without resorting to just packing the screen full of enemies and story-wise. I could do all these things, but I won’t because you need to play this and experience it for yourself. Again, with no qualifiers, Marvel’s Spider-Man is the best game you will play this year. It most certainly has been the best one I have.
September 4, 2018
Whether you’re just swinging around the city searching for the many landmarks and collectibles, or fighting crime by flexing Spidey’s amazing super-powers and gadgets, Marvel’s Spider-Man is a really a pleasure to play at all times. I can say with absolute confidence that this is by far the best superhero game I ever played.
Game Rant
September 4, 2018
From the story to the exploration to the combat to seemingly endless upgrades, Spider-Man is packed full of things worth doing and that are fun to do. Insomniac Games has made it seem effortless with the way they can bring this character to life in all the ways a video game can. Spider-Man is a great superhero game, a great PS4 exclusive, but most importantly a great game all its own.
Cheat Code Central
September 4, 2018
The lore is spot on and the pacing makes it feel like someone is going through Spider-Man comics brought to life.
September 4, 2018
In how they’ve drawn out their impressive narrative stacked against compelling, open-world gameplay Spider-Man is now an absolute benchmark.
September 12, 2018
The fluidity of combat and world traversal makes it hands down the best Super Hero game in years, but it isn't without some pitfalls.
September 4, 2018
Insomniac's take on Spider-Man now reigns as the web-head's best game.
Gaming Nexus
September 4, 2018
Insomniac has delivered one of the best Spider-Man games to date by nailing all of the details—big and small.
God is a Geek
September 4, 2018
Everything I hoped it would be and more. Marvel's Spider-Man provides us lots to do, a great story, and some of the best visuals available on the PS4.
PlayStation Universe
September 4, 2018
A welcome return for PlayStation's original superhero icon, Insomniac Games have not just given us another sublime PlayStation exclusive but also the best superhero blockbuster the PS4 has even seen. Spider-Man is a thunderous, essential triumph that bleeds cinematic splendor from every digital pore. Every PS4 owner needs to have Spider-Man in their collection.
September 4, 2018
While its story may let it down, we’re here for open-world super-heroics and that’s precisely what Spider-Man excels at.
Game Informer
September 4, 2018
Excitement is delivered consistently from the outside of play right up to the last story frame, which is a real shocker that contains a reveal that will make the wait for the sequel almost unbearable.
Game Over Online
September 4, 2018
Marvel’s Spider-Man is the best gaming representation of the legendary comic book character to date. Insomniac nailed the smartass tone that has been his calling card better than anyone else and the core action is faster here, with a solid blend of combat and world exploration. It looks great and controls like a dream. Spider-Man has had his troubles in gaming, but Insomniac’s effort checks all the boxes for a top-shelf Spidey experience and delivers a solid storyline that brings its own unique universe to the mix to tell an all-new tale that keeps you engaged and adds some gravitas to everything you do.
Easy Allies
September 4, 2018
Insomniac Games has used their power responsibly while translating their vision of Spider-Man, and they’ve created his largest and most detailed adventure to date. They’ve taken lessons from their previous action-adventures, along with recent successful franchises in the super hero genre, showcasing what’s possible not only for Spider-Man, but for all comic book characters in this generation of games.
September 4, 2018
Marvel’s Spider-Man is one of the best exclusive games for the PS4 and one of the best games in 2018 so far. Its world has managed to surprise us due to the huge amount of content it possesses as well as because of its funny and deep gameplay. Finally, its visual level is movie-like and keeps the player engaged by means of a great story.