
Karateka (2012) Critic Reviews

17 Total Reviews

4 Positive Reviews(23.5%)
12 Mixed Reviews(70.6%)
1 Negative Reviews(5.9%)

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Machinima November 12, 2012
Karateka is a perfect for for anyone that played the original as well as those that appreciate more daring and unique games.
Game Informer November 13, 2012
Karateka steps beyond its simplistic gameplay with exceptional production values.
Eurogamer November 9, 2012
It's a straightforward game, then. The capacity for expression and technique is limited to the exacting rhythms of blocking.
Gaming Nexus November 13, 2012
Three decades later, Karateka is back to kick Akuma's ass! The good news is that this is a good looking action game with a few genuinely clever ideas. Unfortunately, it's also a repetitive remake that never quite hits its potential. The rhythm-based gameplay is unique, but it would have been nice to see a few more enemy types and deeper gameplay!
Meristation November 12, 2012
Karateka is a good remake HD with improved graphics and OST, but the same gameplay mechanics. Simple and fun, but too repetitive and easy to complete.
Multiplayer.it November 14, 2012
Karateka remake is a solid effort with casual audience in mind, there's very few challenge for the player. Game is unbelievably short and simplified, rhythmical parry is a nice idea overall, but we expect something more ambitious from this reboot.
GameSpot November 19, 2012
Karateka is an attractive remake of a classic, but simplistic combat and limited replay value keep it from greatness.
Official Xbox Magazine November 7, 2012
Because all three characters play the same despite stylistic differences, and only the final battle proves much of a challenge, there's little reason to get excited about shaving seconds off speed runs or climbing scoreboards. Karateka is fun and beautiful while it lasts, but it's over all too soon.
AtomicGamer November 12, 2012
Those looking for a stroll, a punch, and a bow down memory lane will enjoy the many throwbacks to the original, but even those gamers will likely come away at least a little disappointed.
Vandal November 12, 2012
If we look at it as a remake, then it's an excellent job. If we look at it as a present-day game, then it's quite limited, very short and doesn't really ask for a second playthrough. Still it's recommended for the fans of the original one.
Official Xbox Magazine UK January 27, 2013
Fun, but far too easily mastered.
Metro GameCentral November 12, 2012
A disappointingly direct reboot of the ground-breaking original, with none of the same ambitious appetite for innovation.
Joystiq November 12, 2012
Maybe the issue here is whether or not a remake was a good idea, because the new Karateka has too many issues and too little substance to compete against current peers.
Eurogamer Germany November 12, 2012
Karateka shouldn't cost 10 Euros, at least not in its current form, without any sort of challenge beyond the one it offers if you want to finish it with only one life. And even that isn't as challenging as it should be in such a short and completely linear experience devoid of any extras. Karateka is a game completely oblivious of its time and environment. Beautiful, fun even, for those few times you play it, but Karateka ultimately overstays its welcome all too quickly.
Games Master UK December 18, 2012
This one's for nostalgia-soaked veterans only.
X-ONE Magazine UK January 20, 2013
Offers little more than the free trial vision can provide.
Gaming Age November 16, 2012
Overall, Karateka is not a fun experience. The whole game feels more like a mini game and less like an action title. Clunky controls and limited gameplay hurt this one badly. Before you know it, the game is over almost before it began. Even if you enjoyed the original, I can't recommend this one.