
Kill.switch Critic Reviews

33 Total Reviews

24 Positive Reviews(72.7%)
9 Mixed Reviews(27.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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It's filled with cool ideas and a control system to die for. You're not really sneaking around, but you are hiding a lot - and it's the mechanics behind the hiding that makes the game so damn satisfying.
Worth Playing May 6, 2024
The game runs flawlessly and is extremely fast-paced. It may not be "Quake," but for PS2 to be able to handle speeds of this caliber is just amazing.
PSX Nation May 6, 2024
A mindless shooter indeed but when all you want to do is kick the asses of enemies without much thinking, it doesn't get much better than Kill Switch. If you loved the idea of Contra then you likely will enjoy this romp through carnage.
Gamezilla! May 6, 2024
I love this game, and I hate this game. It needs to be a lot longer, and cared for with a great deal more polish. As it stands, though, it’s still a great rental, and with its easy play style, I think you’ll like it as much as I did.
Game Over Online May 6, 2024
A good shooter, perched on the boundary between realistic and cinematic. It's got a great story, too.
Gamer's Hell May 6, 2024
With a wide range of weapons, excellent detail, and some innovative qualities, this game should not be pushed aside. Rent it first, as the mission selection is.. 'small', but it still provides a lot of fun that can't be experienced anywhere else.
Next Level Gaming May 6, 2024
My only complaint is that I have beaten it, and now I'm done. It was a bit short for me.
Play Magazine May 6, 2024
Other games have tried to slow the pace down a bit, forcing you to strategize with a more real-world instinct, but none have ever been able to do so with this level of intensity and keen sense of design.
Gamer's Pulse May 6, 2024
Although limited in its length, kill.switch manages to fit in innovative gameplay backed by intuitive, streamlined controls that are some of the best on the Playstation 2.
eToychest May 6, 2024
Namco has taken your typical run and gun action game and stretched it a bit further with a well written story, and innovative mechanics that, while sometime less than perfect at times, still mange to do more than just get the job done.
IGN May 6, 2024
Easy to pick-up, difficult in all the right places, and oozes Hollywood atmosphere without sacrificing too many gameplay convictions. While we can't say that we approve of its particularly short-sided length and occasional camera problems, it's still one hell of a fun ride while it lasts.
GameZone May 6, 2024
"Metal Gear Solid" fans will dig this one, but don't forget that kill.switch is primarily a shooter. It's all about the thrill of the kill, not the peak of the sneak.
GMR Magazine May 6, 2024
These battles, they feel real. More important, they seem dangerous.
G4 TV May 6, 2024
We're certain a veteran shoot-'em-up enthusiast can blow through it in just two days. But you shouldn't write it off, either. For immediate thrills, not many rivals can match its sheer staying power and intensity.
GameSpy May 6, 2024
There's no multiplayer, no online play, and only a couple of difficulty modes. But it does its work extremely well, and it's safe to say you won't play a similar game this year.
TotalPlayStation May 6, 2024
A good game that suffers from being just a bit too rough around the edges and too short overall to be a must-buy. It is however a definite rental and for anyone looking for a nice, short but visceral experience.
Playboy May 6, 2024
Finally, a shooter for cowards! Kill.Switch is the first game to let you hide behind objects and blindly fire around corners.
GamingTrend May 6, 2024
What it does well (firing from cover, recoil, aiming) is destroyed by its short length, average graphics, bad storyline and easy difficulty.
Game Informer May 6, 2024
Won't blow your doors off, but it will hide behind said doors, peek around, and blast you with a relatively good time for a few hours.
Yahoo! May 6, 2024
While seemingly similar to previously released action titles at first glance, Kill.switch quickly proves to impart its own unique types of spin on the strat-shooter genre, not merely in mechanics and "hooks," but also in the game's very dramatic approach.