Kinect Star Wars

Enter the Galaxy: True to the Star Wars you know and love, visuals transport you into the Star Wars universe, complete with iconic characters, vehicles, ships, Droids and much more. Drawing on iconic moments from the motion pictures, Kinect Star Wars allows you to enter the Star Wars universe and experience a variety of physical play. Swing your arms to wield a Lightsaber, reach out and use the Force, jump, dodge or kick to defeat your enemies. Easy in/out co-op lets a 2nd player jump into the fun at any time in some modes. Lightsaber combat, Force moves, piloting Speederbikes and iconic ships, Podracing and much more. Experience the breadth of the Star Wars universe as you wield a Lightsaber and train to be a Jedi Master, become a champion Podracer, master the Force, pilot iconic ships and Speederbikes, and much more. [Microsoft]