
King Arthur: Fallen Champions Critic Reviews

10 Total Reviews

3 Positive Reviews(30%)
7 Mixed Reviews(70%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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XGN September 6, 2011
Fallen Champions has some strong AI and has a lot to offer, mainly because every mission has to be played differently. Even though you'll get through it very fast, the challenging missions will keep you coming back for more. It is however a shame that there are no checkpoints to be found during the battles.
Everyeye.it September 7, 2011
Fallen Champion is a nice stand-alone digression for those who crave for King Arthur's imminent sequel and for whom are simply intrigued by this epic saga for the first time. Suggested to every gamer in search of some fresh strategy during this long summer.
GameSpot August 30, 2011
Fallen Champions is a short and mostly sweet compression of many of the good elements in its King Arthur predecessor.
Da Gameboyz September 18, 2011
Overall, Fallen Champions could have been good. But I've taken a look at King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame, and found that this really is a bit of a stopgap game, something to keep the players happy between the first and the second. But this probably won't attract any new players, because the first missions are, with the exception of Lady Corighann's, pretty tedious, the CYOA sections could have used more work, and, there are more irritations than good points.
Level7.nu September 30, 2011
This real time strategy game has stupid units, bad camera and clumsy combat.
GameWatcher August 30, 2011
Ultimately though I found myself sat in front of my computer, scratching my unkempt beard and trying to answer the question: who is the game for?
Bit-Gamer November 13, 2011
Neocore seems to have completely misunderstood what made King Arthur great. It's stripped out all the parts of the game that made it loveable and left a watered down, medieval Dawn of War II wannabe in its place. We just hope that Fallen Champions isn't an indication of what's to come from King Arthur 2.
Gaming Nexus October 25, 2011
This is strictly a game for those who have run out of RTS games and have nothing to play until the Christmas games come out. There is probably ten bucks of gameplay in here, though.
GamePro August 31, 2011
King Arthur: Fallen Champions needs what it simply won't get -- varied units, improved AI, and some more thought placed into tactics and the utility of formations. I can't speak to the rest of the series, but unless you're a diehard fan, feel free to skip this one.
Destructoid October 3, 2011
If you haven't played King Arthur, then you won't really enjoy this a whole lot, and if you have played it you'll just think of how much better it is than this weird expansion. I recommend that you check out the original game if you haven't played it, and if you have played it you should just wait for King Arthur 2 to come out.