September 27, 2012

King Oddball

King Oddball
Based on 10 Reviews
Release date
September 27, 2012


The gameplay is based on pressing a button at precisely the right moment. The King picks up a rock with his tongue and swings it back and forth like a pendulum. The rock is released when you hit X. It’s not just a simple test of timing though: After the first few levels, you’ll need to crush more enemies than you have rocks for. That, in turn, requires careful strategy and anticipation of how the chain reactions will unfold. We’ve tuned the physics model to pretty extreme accuracy, so relying solely on luck won’t work. [Playstation.com]

King Oddball Trailer

Critic Reviews10

A stand-out physics puzzler very much in the Angry Birds mould, King Oddball has enough tweaks and accessibility of play to make it a worthwhile proposition for most, though folks adverse to the charms of Rovio's avian slinger will find little here to change their minds.
May 1, 2014
Overall, King Oddball is a great game to turn on one in a while, perhaps after a rough game of Battlefied 4 or Titalfall, as it offers a fun, relaxing, and laid back experience.
April 24, 2014
Boring level design, a lack of innovation and uninspired extras make this frustratingly difficult game hardly worth playing. Skip it.
April 23, 2014

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