Kingdom Rush Critic Reviews
15 Total Reviews
14 Positive Reviews(93.3%)
1 Mixed Reviews(6.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Slide to Play
January 9, 2012
Kingdom Rush is a beaut of a tower defense game, with new ideas that make it feel extremely polished and refined.
Gamers\' Temple
July 23, 2012
Overall, Kingdom Rush is a very enjoyable game. The gaming challenge and hours of play you will get from it make it one of the best gaming bargains you'll find.
December 22, 2011
Kingdom Rush offers enough variety in towers and enemies to take up more than a few minutes of someone's time, especially those who enjoy a very well done tower defense game. And this is one of them making it an easy recommendation to buy.
Pocket Gamer UK
December 28, 2011
Brilliantly combining as stiff a task as you're likely to encounter with a perfectly pitched sense of fun, Kingdom Rush breathes new life into the tower defence genre, and has a whole lot of laughs doing it.
December 30, 2011
A fantastic package. It's a game that made me take notice, that made a well-trod genre seem a bit fresher and more interesting than it's been in a while.
January 6, 2012
Kingdom Rush deserves a lot of goodwill, simply because it's able to make tower defense gameplay feel fresh and fun. In addition to the deep, challenging gameplay, the game's production values are simply outstanding. This is easily one of the best tower defense games currently in the App Store.
January 31, 2012
Kingdom Rush is an instant classic and is guaranteed to turn up on 2012 "best of" lists. Anyone remotely interested in either tower defense or strategy should consider it a most-own. Gamers that think they don't enjoy the genre should give Kingdom Rush a shot anyway – it might just win you over.
Gamereactor Denmark
March 9, 2012
One of the few games you must not miss if you own an iPad. We'll even go as far as declaring it the best tower defens game ever.
July 5, 2012
If you couldn't play Kingdom Rush the first time around, you owe it to yourself to play it now.
July 8, 2012
An incredibly addictive tower defense game. Its star-based upgrade system, paired with crisp artwork and butter smooth gameplay, will definitely have you soaking hour after hour into the game.
July 16, 2012
Despite the genre already boasting some of the best iPhone games around, Kingdom Rush still manages to shine as one of the best Tower Defence games, even in this more compact form.
February 10, 2012
Kingdom Rush is an addictive Tower Defense for iPad, strictly based on strategy. There are no revolutions in the concept, but the full-strategic approach is a new way for the genre.
March 2, 2012
A solid Tower Defense, with nice production values and perfect gameplay balance. Probably one of the better games of its genre, with a surprising ability not to bore the player during the waves of ennemies.
July 11, 2012
The cute presentation is great, and gives further enjoyment.
January 24, 2012
If you've never tried tower defense and you want a great introduction to the genre, Kingdom Rush is perfect. If you're devoted to the genre and want to play the prominent examples of it, this is absolutely up your street. But if you've played one or two prototypical tower defense games and are looking for something new, Kingdom Rush doesn't have much to offer.