Krai Mira Critic Reviews
5 Total Reviews
0 Positive Reviews(0%)
4 Mixed Reviews(80%)
1 Negative Reviews(20%)
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May 22, 2017
I get the feeling that with a slightly bigger team this game could really have had some polish to it and would have shone like a piece of polished chrome in an irradiated wasteland. As it stands though it’s definitely a rough gem needing some polish. There is certainly some entertainment to be had, the developers have clearly put a lot of time and effort into the story and the world… but it does need refining to really be a worthy addition to your collection. Personally I’d rather go back to the wasteland (come on and release the ultimate edition of Fallout 4 already!) but if you really need that radioactive fix and perhaps it’s on special… you could do worse than give Krai Mira a go.
August 4, 2016
If you’re a more casual RPG player, there are likely enough issues to be prohibitive. Altogether, though, if Krai Mira looks like something you would enjoy, there’s a good chance that you will. It’s no masterwork, but Krai Mira has a solid foundation, and with continued support and updates, has promise. In its current state, however, its experience still feels unfinished.
July 7, 2017
Krai Mira: Extended Cut is an interesting title that looks to deliver a game that feels similar in nature to the games of yesteryear. Though it ticks a number of boxes of this goal it falls short on a number of others. As it stands however, Krai Mira: Extended Cut is a lightweight take of the classic post-apocalyptic RPG formula but is just that.
Game World Navigator Magazine
September 21, 2016
It’s obvious that TallTech studio looked at first two Fallouts for inspiration, but all they’ve managed to copy is poor visuals. Character progression is poorly designed and story is linear: whether you want it or not, your character will gain companions, surrender and lose the entire inventory precisely when scriptwriter wills him to.
Riot Pixels
September 11, 2016
Empty and lifeless - these two words describe everything that there is in Krai Mira.