The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Critic Reviews
19 Total Reviews
17 Positive Reviews(89.5%)
1 Mixed Reviews(5.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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September 22, 2022
Trails from Zero delivers exactly what it promises: a unique opportunity to visit a story arc most western The Legend of Heroes fans never got to experience. Those who are looking to fill in the notable gap in the series will delight in discovering a plentitude of characters getting their fifteen minutes of fame. As a potential place to start, the Crossbell duology sits in a curious place between Trails in the Sky and Trails of Cold Steel, such that players of either will be better attuned to the setting, with both working as better introductions. Even so, Trails from Zero is an easy, enthusiastic recommend for existing Trails fans.
Finger Guns
October 16, 2022
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is a truly special JRPG. Its focus on characters and worldbuilding set up a smaller, far more personal story. Its highly customisable skill system meant that combat never felt stale. I haven’t felt this way about a JRPG in a long time, and I cannot wait to catch up with Crossbell and its cast of characters again when the sequel launches in 2023. It’s not just one of my favourite games of 2022; it’s among my favourite games of all time.
September 27, 2022
Trails from Zero is an exciting and welcoming RPG with a cast of characters I fell head over heels for.
PlayStation Universe
September 30, 2022
The missing piece in the Legend of Heroes franchise finally makes its way west. Trials of Zero is a great addition to the franchise featuring a great cast of characters and a fantastic strategic combat system. It's just unfortunate that the PS4 version of the game didn't get the same upgrades that it did on other platforms.
October 31, 2022
After 12 long years, Trails from Zero is a classic RPG that was worth the wait. Fantastic characters, world building, and fun combat create another game in the franchise that will appeal to long time fans and newcomers alike.
Video Chums
September 24, 2022
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is a superb entry in the long-running franchise that made me pumped for Trails to Azure as well as Trails into Reverie and the inevitable release of the Kuro no Kiseki series. There sure are a lot of these games but I still can't get enough.
Push Square
September 20, 2022
Trails from Zero has been well worth the wait. This is a classic Falcom RPG — an engrossing, crime-fighting adventure through one of the property's greatest settings. The experience as a whole does get bogged down in tedious side content and some poorly aged design, but fantastic characters and fascinating story beats hold everything together. Based on our time with Zero, we can't wait for Trails to Azure in 2023.
Digital Trends
September 20, 2022
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero puts together a politically engaging story, fun gameplay, and likable heroes into one epic RPG.
Noisy Pixel
September 20, 2022
Trails has a fanbase with drastically differing opinions everywhere you look, so my advice is to let your heart dictate your perceptions of these games without letting outside interference impede prospective enjoyment. If you’re a newcomer to Crossbell or Trails as a whole, I hope my review can at least act as a sturdy bridge for what you can expect from this highly anticipated Western release, my critiques aside.
September 23, 2022
Trails from Zero is kind of a miracle in its own right, the fact that we got a Western release after so many years, and that Trails from Azure is right around the corner, still feels surreal. But, for all its strengths, this is still a game from more than a decade ago, that was originally designed for the PSP. If you can get past that, then Trails from Zero won’t disappoint, and whether you are a series veteran or a newcomer, it provides a wonderful world in which you can truly lose yourself for hours at a stretch.
PlayStation Country
September 23, 2022
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is another great Falcom JRPG and well worth your time. The port could have done with more care, similar to how other formats have been treated, but the game underneath shines through.
September 28, 2022
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is an excellent opportunity for fans of this type of genre. We will have a game that will take us back to that golden age of JRPGs with 3D environments and sprite characters. Although it is a game from 10 years ago, we can still enjoy it in the same way.
October 15, 2022
Not quite the port we deserve, but fans will
be pleased to fill a gap in the saga, while it’s
a digestible entry point to entice newcomers
into the Trails universe.
Movies Games and Tech
November 9, 2022
Despite being a basic port of a title that lays smack-bang in the middle of a gargantuan series, Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero manages to be both approachable and thrilling, resulting in a classic 2D JRPG that shows up some of the latter 3D entries in both story and design, and has me excited to play the Trails series again.
March 28, 2023
Trails from Zero results in a title that will please JRPG fans through its gameplay and story development until its very end.
IGN Italia
September 20, 2022
A porting with some nice improvements to keep up with the times, but still dedicated to a nostalgic audience of classic JRPGs.
September 20, 2022
It's a shame that NIS and Falcom both decided to bring Trails from Zero in Europe only after the vastly superior Trails of Cold Steel series. This way a very solid if formulaic JRPG as this does not get the attention it deserves, due also to a lazy remastering process.
PSX Brasil
September 20, 2022
The Legend of Heroes: Trails From Zero is a very bad remaster of a very good game. While the story of the SSS and the journey through Crossbell must be played by any fan of the series and the gameplay holds up surprisingly well even today, the PS4 version leaves so much to be desired that it is only recommended for those who can't afford to play it on another platform.
September 29, 2022
In spite of its age, this Tactical RPG is a really gorgeous and charming game. Great sound, story and combat system.