
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Critic Reviews

73 Total Reviews

73 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameSpy May 30, 2024
An excellent addition (and homage to "Ocarina") to the franchise, and you'll have an enormous amount of fun playing it from start to finish. Get over the fact that the Wii's hardware is simply not as powerful as the other next-gen machines and get into the fact that Twilight Princess is one of the best games you'll play this year.
1UP May 30, 2024
Truly fantastic. It's not a reinvention of the genre like Ocarina was -- but it's much better, because it takes all its predecessors' raw ideas, perfects them, and creates an experience that's at once new and familiar. It's rare to find a launch game that truly justifies the purchase of a new console, but this is precisely that.
Game Informer May 30, 2024
As monumental as each entry has been, nothing, and I repeat, nothing can prepare you for the adventure that unfolds in Twilight Princess. The debate that has waged for decades over which Zelda game should stand as the series’ best will at long last come to a satisfying conclusion, as this is unquestionably the greatest Zelda yet.
It's the biggest Zelda game ever without a doubt and the extra year of development has clearly done it a world of good.
GamesRadar+ May 30, 2024
One of the most stirring, rewarding gaming experiences in history.
NintendoWorldReport May 30, 2024
Rather than drastically reworking the series, Twilight Princess refines and expands almost everything you already love about Zelda, and it looks damn good doing it...One of the best games of all time.
GamePro May 30, 2024
The key to Twilight Princess' genius lies in its ability to evoke, and fulfill, a feeling of nostalgia, to return you to the bygone days when you first played a Zelda game.
Deeko May 30, 2024
If you add in the incredibly well designed control scheme, as well as Link's new ability to turn into a wolf, you've created an adventure that easily stands head and shoulders above that seen in "Ocarina"... Twilight Princess is easily one of the most phenomenal times you'll ever have with a video game.
G4 TV May 30, 2024
In many ways, Twilight Princess is a love letter to "Ocarina of Time." There are tons of subtle nods that a watchful gamer will spot. It’s the glorious world the N64 wanted to show us, but couldn’t.
Next Level Gaming May 30, 2024
Without a doubt the best Zelda title ever.
Gaming Age May 30, 2024
A masterpiece and a AAA launch title for the Wii. The dungeons are fun and the puzzles, while sometimes difficult, always make sense. The scope of adventure and exploration cannot be matched by any other game.
N-Insanity May 30, 2024
Put all doubts about how the control scheme fits with the Wii-mote aside, and just embrace the greatness of what this "realistic" Zelda.
Cheat Code Central May 30, 2024
Twilight Princess captures the heart and soul of what a Zelda adventure is known for and manages to surpass the current benchmark, "Loz: Ocarina of Time," widely considered to be one of the best games of all time.
DarkStation May 30, 2024
Perfection is redefined in Link's latest adventure, and making it easily the best game ever, bar none.
GameShark May 30, 2024
Twilight Princess reminds you why you began playing games in the first place.
Twilight Princess is a rarity: a game that spans 60 hours and never once feels boring. Between the immaculate gameplay, the devious puzzles, and the gripping story, it's simply the best Zelda ever. And that's saying a lot.
Imaginative and masterfully designed, Twilight Princess is every bit as good as the best Zelda adventures. It is hugely rewarding and absolutely essential for new Wii owners.
N-Europe May 30, 2024
A fine demonstration of the genre and the medium, and will leave the masses breathless.
The A.V. Club May 30, 2024
Fifty-plus hours, an immense adventure, and a sexy new style? Twilight Princess may not perfect, but it's darn near close.
Nintendojo May 30, 2024
Not only immersive, but addictive. Once quest has begun, it will be near-impossible to put the controllers down until Link and Midna have saved the day.