
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude Critic Reviews

49 Total Reviews

23 Positive Reviews(46.9%)
20 Mixed Reviews(40.8%)
6 Negative Reviews(12.2%)

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Game Chronicles May 6, 2024
Larry makes the transition to next-gen console perfectly and creates his own little naughty slice of niche-genre pie. If you love to laugh you'll love this game.
Next Level Gaming May 6, 2024
Just one of the most hilarious games I have played in a long time.
Stuff May 6, 2024
Worth buying, especially for the cartoon raunchiness. But don't let on that this is the only way you meet women.
RewiredMind May 6, 2024
Prudish I am not, but some of the in-game "action" can be fairly shocking simply because you don't expect it of a videogame.
Xbox World Australia May 6, 2024
The funniest game I have played since "Monkey Island." It was disturbingly addictive and because of this was all over far too soon.
Gaming Target May 6, 2024
Leisure Suit Larry takes off its clothes and shows us an imaginative world full of sexually starved monkeys that can talk, chicks with dicks, and several other zany enticements that will have you so horny, you'll be licking the dust off your television screen.
Game Informer May 6, 2024
The core of what makes these games so memorable is still there in full force - pretty girls, unspeakably embarrassing sexual acts, and an endearing dorkiness that makes the entire experience feel mroe charming and humorous than exploitive.
Gamers' Temple May 6, 2024
A skewed, funny, and at times hilarious look at the campus mating game. Unfortunately, just like the mating game it's not without its frustrating moments.
TotalGames.net May 6, 2024
While it won't be to everyone's tastes, it's hard not to get hooked into Larry's world, there's a lot to explore and experiment with - including honing your photography skills, unlocking some uniquely sleazy mini-games and simply enjoying one of the funniest scripts in a game since, well, the classic adventures of the Eighties and early Nineties.
TeamXbox May 6, 2024
While the game does contain some exploration and adventure aspects, the core gameplay boils down to a never-ending series of mini games that become repetitive fairly quickly.
WHAM! Gaming May 6, 2024
Is Leisure Suit Larry crass? Yes. Vulgar? You bet. Immature? Of course. Funny? Downright hilarious.
GameZone May 6, 2024
An outrageously funny and extremely naughty game that bends the rules but still falls a bit flat due to its repetitive nature.
IGN May 6, 2024
As an adventure or puzzle game, Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude falls short...The titillating moments certainly deserve some credit for helping maintain your interest here, but it's the game's humor that's the real star and, ultimately, the only reason to keep playing once the allure of polygonal boobies has worn thin.
Games Radar May 6, 2024
Wear your morals round your ankles and keep your mind in the gutter, otherwise this crude comedy is shooting blank.
GameSpot May 6, 2024
If you're willing to forgive its brain-dead gameplay and occasionally frustrating design, Magna Cum Laude is a hysterically entertaining romp through the world of wacky sexual hijinks.
GamingTrend May 6, 2024
For an attempt at creating a worthwhile recreational experience, it's an otherwise fun game rendered boring by constant loading screens.
Xbox Nation Magazine May 6, 2024
It's all so well written, acted, and directed that such seemingly unfunny lines as "Are those my Funyuns?" will make you laugh as hard as any comedy you've seen this year could.
There's just something missing from the end result, and though the pleasingly simple gameplay is great fun in short spurts, LSL hasn't quite got the stamina for any schlong-lasting appeal.
GameBiz May 6, 2024
Although it's not a hard game, it can get quite tedious going back and forth around the world to please a girl, trying to get that perfect trampoline combination, and win at Quarters whilst still managing to get enough money to buy those cool clothes to impress that special girl.
Cheat Code Central May 6, 2024
You won't get the Full Monty here but you'll see a lot of T &A. The language itself is very explicit and you'll find yourself shocked into bouts of laughter at some of the things that come out these characters' mouths. The voiceacting is darn good and interestingly enough the characters, especially the girls, have more depth to them than you would expect.