April 17, 2014

Life Goes On

Life Goes On
Based on 17 Reviews
Release date
April 17, 2014


Life Goes On is a comically-morbid platform game where you guide heroic knights to their demise and use their dead bodies to solve puzzles. Impale knights on spikes to create a safe path. Catch a knight on a saw blade (ouch!) to strategically land the body on a button. Freeze your knights into blocks of ice to reach higher ground. Make your way through this strange, treacherous, and trap-ridden world to find the Cup of Life. On your quest, you will summon knight after knight and brutally sacrifice them to solve each challenging puzzle. In Life Goes On, death is not a setback—it is the only means to success.

Life Goes On Trailer

Critic Reviews17

There’s no way to get bored in Life Goes On. Partly because it frequently introduces new obstacles and other elements of environment, but also due to the fact that it only lasts for three hours.
July 23, 2014
Even though Life Goes On is short and simplistic, it offers a bold, welcome break from the ‘science saves the world’ cliché permeating other puzzle games. Three ‘vikings’ will win only if two of them are dead.
June 5, 2014
The sense of humor that informs the UI too rarely penetrates to the actual level design. Because of this, and the comparative ease of its puzzles, Life Goes On feels like a trifle, nicely made and modestly amusing but forgotten more quickly than it's finished.
June 2, 2014

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