August 13, 2003

Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader

Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
Based on 20 Reviews
Release date
August 13, 2003
Single-player, Multiplayer


It is 1588 A.D., a critical year of an alternate history hauntingly familiar yet fantastically alien to our own. Because of one fateful event during the Third Crusade, the history of this world diverged. This event, the Disjunction, ripped open a long-sealed breach to other worlds. Magic energy and powerful spirits flowed into the world, changing the lands and the people forever. Cast into this world, you are a character of your own devices, strengths, and abilities. Set upon by human factions and powerful spirits, you must decide how to best develop your skills in order to triumph over obstacles that lie between you and your true fate. Lionheart brings a combination of story, dialogue interaction, and combat to the PC offering complex character development in a world never before seen in a computer role-playing game. [Interplay]

Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader Trailer

Critic Reviews20

A patch away from gaming excellence. Recommended for "Baldur’s Gate" and "Neverwinter Nights" fans, after a good patch, this title will have all the goods.
May 2, 2024
Playing Lionheart could easily be a completely different experience every time.
May 2, 2024
An excellent game for about 20 hours, with open-ended gameplay, a good balance between combat and quests, and an opportunity for real role-playing. But then the next 20 hours feature a long linear march of boring, repetitive and slow combat, culminating in one of the worst endings I've ever seen.
May 2, 2024

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