Lollipop Chainsaw Critic Reviews
64 Total Reviews
40 Positive Reviews(62.5%)
22 Mixed Reviews(34.4%)
2 Negative Reviews(3.1%)
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Gaming Age
June 12, 2012
So basically, Lollipop Chainsaw is a game that's certainly worth your time and money. The overall game, on Normal, is pretty short, but there's a whole lot replay value packed into the experience that actually makes that short game time a lot more feasible than you might expect.
June 11, 2012
As a piece of entertainment, Lollipop Chainsaw is something truly memorable -- shameless, camp, idiotic, and so very enchanting. As a game, it is a celebration of the arcade era, an era when games felt free to be outrageous without worrying about being taken seriously or making even the vaguest lick of sense.
Gamer Limit
June 12, 2012
In the end, Lollipop Chainsaw is above all else a fun game. It has some issues (like most action games), but it's a non-stop outlandish joyride from start to finish. Thankfully, there's a ton of content packed in, and completionists will probably need 15-20 hours to obtain absolutely everything (rankings included) .
Game Over Online
June 17, 2012
Overall, though, the biggest problem with Lollipop Chainsaw is its length. There's no way to justify picking it up at a full sixty dollars unless you're going to get absolutely one hundred percent of everything in it, from achievements to high scores, and that might take you a week.
June 20, 2012
Lollipop Chainsaw reminds us of a time when games weren't trying to be gritty and realistic, when they didn't take themselves seriously, before games were all about making money and sticking to the fundamentals. There isn't any new ground being broken here, but what we do have is a game that will give you more fun than anything else out this year.
June 25, 2012
A strange but wonderful experience that is sure to be as divisive as it is misunderstood.
June 21, 2012
The game is crafted like a shoot-'em-up, meaning you really need to dig in and master it to understand where its value lies. If you have the temperance for that type of play, Lollipop Chainsaw is one of the best brawlers in the last few years. Combine that with an effortless sense of humor and Suda 51's one-of-a-kind style, and you have gaming perfection for the right kind of gamer.
Gaming Nexus
July 16, 2012
Much as its title may suggest, Lollipop Chainsaw is a sweet confection of a game. It's an enjoyable experience, but ultimately hollow. Unlike the lollipops that Juliet sucks on, Lollipop Chainsaw won't make you fat, as it has almost no fat to speak of. It's a lean game predicated on replay value instead of an epic story and/or brilliant gameplay.
Console Monster
July 20, 2012
Although some of you may not want to spend you're hard earned cash on a game that may only last twenty to thirty hours, I'd urge you to give Lollipop Chainsaw a chance. With so many sequels coming out these days it's fantastic to see a refreshing and unique game hit the shelves and let's be honest, how can anyone reject a game that is filled with lollipops, chainsaws and short skirts?
June 13, 2012
Lollipop Chainsaw does one thing exceptionally well – it never takes itself seriously. It's fan service, it's over the top, it's beyond ridiculous, it's cute, it's funny, and it is more fun than it should be. While it does have a few flaws, the sum of all of the ridiculousness is a game that will have you laughing. Whether it 's out of discomfort or a few of the genuine funny moments is entirely up to you
June 21, 2012
One of those strange games that the industry needs sometimes, different from the usual blockbuster. Although its gameplay is not innovative and the game is quite short, it is one of those charming and special games that everyone should at least try.
June 12, 2012
Lollipop Chainsaw is an extremely eccentric game that builds itself around that idea. It never attempts to be anything it isn't and always remains fun throughout. I have slowly grown to love Suda51 games over time and appreciate their simple diversity from the pack. Having a fresh game like this is great next to the over-abundance of brown and gray shooters this market is dominated by. If you enjoy action games, and can take a little insanity, I definitely recommend giving this game a whirl. It is definitely one of the few games I played almost entirely with a smile on my face. It's charm is just how preposterous it really is.
June 13, 2012
Cheerleading, chainsaws and no excuses – Lollipop Chainsaw totally is a crazy game. The soundtrack fits like a (bloody) glove. The game feels like the highschool version of Shaun of the Dead.
Game Revolution
June 13, 2012
Lollipop Chainsaw controls well, which is a high point. There are plenty of special combos and attacks available for purchase to upgrade your Juliet, along with unlocking all kinds of new songs, outfits, and concept art.
Gamereactor Sweden
June 14, 2012
Like being injected with 50 pounds of sugar. This is fast, bizarre action with lots of personality.
Planet Xbox 360
June 20, 2012
Even with the lack of multiplayer and some occasionally repetitive gameplay, Lollipop Chainsaw is a sleazily good plate of video game junk food, one with all sorts of carnage and hotness to go around.
Xbox Achievements
June 26, 2012
It's not perfect, but it wears its heart on its sleeve and delivers a game that is plain, good old fashioned fun.
Worth Playing
June 28, 2012
Like most Suda51 games, Lollipop Chainsaw is an acquired taste. There might not be too many people who will be fine with the short gameplay length, the humor and dialogue may be offensive to some players, and the scattershot mix of minigames and combat may not sit well with those who are looking for a more straightforward title.
June 28, 2012
Conversations shared between Juliet and Nick are among the funniest videogames have to offer, and the range of pop-culture references Gunn weaves in (including an unexpected nod to Michael Bublé of all people) make this the most western-friendly game to come out of the studio without sacrificing its brand of lunacy. Which is something definitely worth cheering about.
Armchair Empire
July 5, 2012
The longevity of Lollipop Chainsaw relies on how much time gamers want to practice combos to finish levels faster and more cleanly than other players on the leaderboards or earn enough silver coins to purchase a closet's worth of outfits for Juliet. Otherwise, the game is a quick experience that doesn't dwell too much on one particular thing for too long before throwing something else at the player.