
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Critic Reviews

58 Total Reviews

12 Positive Reviews(20.7%)
40 Mixed Reviews(69%)
6 Negative Reviews(10.3%)

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MEGamers May 14, 2024
We are going to go ahead and declare The Lord of the Rings: Conquest as a great game concept.
Vandal May 14, 2024
Lord of the Rings Conquest succeeds in bringing Tolkien's fans a solid videogame, with intense action and a good representation of battles. But there is a strong difference between playing it multiplayer and single player, less fun than the former. Solo players should think twice the purchase.
Cheat Code Central May 14, 2024
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest is a fun title that should keep many diehard fans, especially younger players, engaged. However, if you're looking for something with a bit more depth than button-mashing your way to glory, you will likely find the game shallow and frustrating.
IGN May 14, 2024
Diehard fans of both online, class-based games and The Lord of the Rings might want to invest the sixty bucks, but if redundant and unimaginative gameplay are things you despise, you'll want to steer clear.
3DJuegos May 14, 2024
Lord of the Rings: Conquest is a videogame too far from excellence to be recommendable without making some kind of warning marks before. Those who don't like the senseless button smashing will not enjoy this game, but if you are a fan of both the Tolkien universe and the online battles you will find here an honest but reiterative entertainment.
GameDaily May 14, 2024
The graphics look decent (despite some broken animations), and the game allows players to smash both Orcs and Hobbits. That said, the mindless button mashing grows redundant and some enemies are mind-numbingly difficult.
Planet Xbox 360 May 14, 2024
It passes out achievements like their cheap candy and there is a certain charm when playing as your favorite characters. It also draws heavily from the movies and, like it did to me, might reignite your desire to watch them. Yet, none of these traits make for great gameplay. With short campaigns, frustrating combat, and chaotic multiplayer LotR: Conquest feels like a $60 reminder that Peter Jackson makes awesome movies.
GameFocus May 14, 2024
A weekend rental at best due to the game being wildly unbalanced and not a fun game but just a mediocre title. If it is patched and it’s balancing and multiplayer issues are addressed it might be worth a second look. Hopefully EA will return to the fold and give us another great game like Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, an awesome Role Playing Game that I would love to see a similar game released this generation.
Da Gameboyz May 14, 2024
While there are some great elements to multiplayer game, Conquest comes across as a somewhat rushed game that falls into the realm of pretty average.
Pelit (Finland) May 14, 2024
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest has some good movielike moments but overall suffers from a boring and difficult single player mode and lousy controls on the PC. The multiplayer is decent enough if you're into epic but rather simple fantasy action.
AceGamez May 14, 2024
What The Lord of the Rings: Conquest boils down to is a third person action fantasy game with small glimmers of tactical depth and the occasional epic confrontation that just happens to be set in Tolkien's universe.
Cynamite May 14, 2024
Standing at the gates of Mordor, listening to epic music and feeling as a part of a huge battle – these are the great moments in Conquest. Unfortunately the unbalanced difficulty, repetitive missions and dated graphics kill these moments.
Gamers' Temple May 14, 2024
Like the One Ring, Conquest is beautiful to behold and highly tempting, but it comes with some big hidden flaws.
Console Monster May 14, 2024
Star Wars: Battlefront stood ahead in a long list of rubbish Star Wars licenses games, and it seems that this time around Pandemic have fallen on the wrong side of the fence, sitting amongst many poor Lord of the Rings licensed games.
TeamXbox May 14, 2024
Fans of LotR or team-oriented multiplayer masters should pick this one up—sooner than later if possible. But for those thinking that The Lord of the Rings: Conquest’s core gameplay is like Ninja Gaiden with chain mail…this ain’t your “precious.”
GameSpot May 14, 2024
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest is an exciting and action-packed way to experience Middle-earth, provided that you have the patience and fortitude to shoulder a few frustrating burdens.
Gameplanet May 14, 2024
Whilst often frustrating and lacking in complexity, Lord of the Rings: Conquest still has a limited appeal for die-hard fans. For everyone else, it's a real disappointment.
GameZone May 14, 2024
Using the fun Star Wars: Battlefront style, Conquest has all the right elements but they’re not implemented as smoothly or as it should have been on the Xbox 360. The controls make for some frustrating button-mashing battles even with some fun match types or the various heroes you can use on the many battlefields.
PALGN May 14, 2024
Despite having its moments, The Lord of the Rings: Conquest can only be recommended to die-hard fans.
Armchair Empire May 14, 2024
Unlike the memorable Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings film trilogy (which are used to provide Lord of the Rings: Conquest’s cut-scenes), this newest EA Lord of the Rings title is more like the latest summer blockbuster: fun for the short time it lasts, but instantly forgettable once it’s over.