December 6, 2007

Lost Odyssey

Lost Odyssey
Based on 68 Reviews
Release date
December 6, 2007


Lost Odyssey is the story of Kaim, an immortal character who has lived more than 1,000 years. He doesn't remember his past, and he doesn't know where his future lies. Throughout Kaim's journey, a handful of characters join him on an odyssey to discover their intricate past and destiny, leading players through a dramatic story of massive scale. Massively multiplayer online role-playing game elements are blended into the game's traditional role-playing game system, enabling players to make strategic decisions for a more immersive and deep gameplay experience. With story sequences penned by award-winning Japanese novelist Kiyoshi Shigematsu in cooperation with producer Hironobu Sakaguchi, Lost Odyssey sets a new benchmark for the RPG genre with a combination of true-to-life cinematics and an intriguing story of an immortal man. Players will witness Kaim's life as he lives through many generations, becomes part of numerous families, falls in and out of love, and confronts all of the conflicts that arise. Kaim’s struggles are set in a world that is on the verge of a "mystical industrial revolution," where mankind has attained dark powers. The massively scoped worlds, memorable characters and epic storyline play as an intense and unsettling blockbuster action film. Heading up the artistic demands of the title is famed Japanese comic artist Takehiko Inoue. Renowned composer Nobuo Uematsu has been recruited to create a contemporary soundtrack. [Microsoft]

Lost Odyssey Trailer

Lost Odyssey Screenshots6

Critic Reviews68

if you've got the patience to sit through its slow build up, and if you're open-minded enough to allow it to transport you, then it will take you to places that other JRPGs haven't even dreamed of visiting.
May 22, 2024
If Sakaguchi intends to turn Lost Odyssey into a franchise -- and all indications are that he does -- I'd like to see these refreshingly adult themes expanded on further in future titles.
May 22, 2024
Lost Odyssey is not the game that will bring the genre back from the brink, but fans of Japanese RPGs will love it. The best JRPG on the Xbox 360 to date.
May 22, 2024

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