Luftrausers Critic Reviews
45 Total Reviews
40 Positive Reviews(88.9%)
5 Mixed Reviews(11.1%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Gaming Nexus
March 27, 2014
The easiest way to summarize Luftrausers is to call it the Hotline Miami of dogfighting games. It's incredibly difficult, but it's really good at sinking it's claws into you to keep you launching your planes onto the battlefield.
March 18, 2014
Luftrausers is a great a time-waster, a great test of your leet twitch skills, and a game that doesn’t assume too much and just lets you enjoy yourself.
March 18, 2014
Daredevilry is exactly what this astonishing shooter delivers.
March 18, 2014
The sense of flight and weightlessness is as intoxicating as the build-what-you-want nature of the game's war machines. And besides, dying is just an excuse to try out a new combo of parts, and I'm mighty curious to see how an armored, cannon-firing airplane with an underwater engine would handle.
March 18, 2014
If you strip away the Rauser parts and the catchy soundtrack, Luftrausers would still stand on its own because of its excellent gameplay. But those features add so much depth and excitement that they actually pushed me to become a better player.
Digital Chumps
March 18, 2014
Luftrausers' success is its addictive duel between confidence and doubt; what's the best option when every choice is conceivably the best option? Providing the player with heaps of ways tackle problems is nothing new, but creating a large number of choices and making each one uniquely viable? That's special, and it's Luftrausers' specialty.
God is a Geek
March 18, 2014
The near-perfect controls combined with the great soundtrack and visuals mean it’s difficult not to like Luftrausers, and its simplicity makes it accessible to everyone.
April 2, 2014
It’s a constant thrill, one that can steal away a whole afternoon but still satisfy you even after a couple of rounds.
June 28, 2014
Luftrausers has just one gameplay idea but executes it in a best way possible.
IGN Italia
March 24, 2014
Luftrausers is the Vlambeer dancing take on bullet hell genre. A constantly changing hard, satisfying and loud experience. Sepia dyed. Just perfect.
March 18, 2014
Another Vlambeer jewel, a game with a brilliant arcade soul, a great design and some absolutely epic moments thanks to the excellent control and huge hordes of enemies.
March 18, 2014
Luftrausers is as much style as it is substance. The retro-appearance and spectacular action complement each other greatly in a hectic arcade shooter with a unique style. The tactical addictions make this a fully fledged game you'll want to keep playing.
March 18, 2014
Fast fun and devilishly hard, Luftrausers shows once again that Vlambeer understands how to make classic arcade mechanics feel fresh and exciting. It's great in short bursts, the speed of each round often terribly brief, but lends itself to hour-long sessions of hammering on the controller to start a new game.
Game Informer
March 18, 2014
One of the most satisfying, enthralling shooters to hit the market in recent memory.
April 11, 2014
Luftrauser is a great game. Vlambeer create a little gem for the indie market, a perfect mixture of gameplay and style.
Worth Playing
April 14, 2014
Luftrausers is a nice little getaway from the story-focused games that populate the landscape nowadays.
Hooked Gamers
March 25, 2014
You will probably only get a few hours out of it before you start to feel like you are repeating yourself, but those hours will grip you fully.
March 18, 2014
Luftrausers may suffer from a few bugs and interface issues from time to time, but at its core is a magnificently modern aeronautic arcade experience.
March 18, 2014
Simple in almost all respects, Luftrauser is one of Vlambeer’s biggest triumphs because it strips back everything in the name of exposing the fun at the centre of the game. It’s almost as if the designers were engineers of the rauser itself; reducing weight and tweaking fuel lines to ensure the most effective deliverer of death possible.