
Luxor 2 Critic Reviews

16 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(62.5%)
6 Mixed Reviews(37.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Game Chronicles May 13, 2024
The unique blending of 3D gameplay elements blended seamlessly with exquisitely rendered 2D backgrounds works extremely well, and there is so much Egyptian flavor I was half expecting to see the National Geographic or Discovery Channel logo in the corner of the screen.
Extreme Gamer May 13, 2024
Everything I expected and more and this easily one of the most addictive easy to get into puzzle games on the system with full support of Xbox Live features.
Official Xbox Magazine May 13, 2024
Luxor 2 doesn't quite reach "Hexic" levels of serious mass appeal, but diligent students of the genre will want to sign up for its invigorating new lessons.
Xbox World Australia May 13, 2024
It looks great, it's dangerously addictive, and most importantly the wealth of professionally presented and enjoyable content makes it a value-packed purchase for anyone who likes a good puzzle game.
TeamXbox May 13, 2024
Best of all, it doesn’t look like a cheap throwaway title that you’ll play for a few minutes and never play again.
GamesRadar+ May 13, 2024
Luxor 2 still sits squarely in the “casual game” space. But it’s every bit as addictive as Zuma, and fans of that game will appreciate a product that feels slightly better produced in just about every way while retaining the same great puzzle action they love.
ZTGD May 13, 2024
Luxor 2 is fun, plain and simple. It won’t win awards, but then again it doesn’t really need to. It is after all just an arcade game, and I do love my arcade.
GameZone May 13, 2024
It’s more puzzle game than shooter that should keep either audience busy playing through all 88 stages. It doesn’t have the same hook that other puzzles games have but it should have enough to justify the low price point.
My Gamer May 13, 2024
This game is capable of sucking away hours of your life without you noticing, which is always a great sign of addictive and highly entertaining gameplay.
Another competent ball-matching puzzler.
IGN May 13, 2024
Despite its lack of originality and simplicity, Luxor 2 is still great fun and works well as a XBLA game. You'll start off playing "just a few" levels and then get sucked into 20 or more without realizing how fast time has flown by. That's the sign of a fun game.
Planet Xbox 360 May 13, 2024
Those who play Luxor 2 as a puzzle game, taking the time to aim carefully, will play through all eighty-eight levels. In all, the replay value is a little on the light side. Some form of Live play would have stretched it a bit, although the repetitive gameplay is more at fault than the missing Live support.
Talk Xbox May 13, 2024
With no online play, you probably won’t spend too much time playing this game.
GameSpot May 13, 2024
The Egyptian palette swap and minuscule formula changes aren't enough to prevent Luxor 2 from feeling like the inferior Zuma rip-off that it is.
X-ONE Magazine UK May 13, 2024
There are far better ways to spend 800 Points.
Eurogamer May 13, 2024
But the chief difficulty is simply sustaining your interest. It's boring and easy, and it takes too long.