Magna Carta 2 Critic Reviews
49 Total Reviews
32 Positive Reviews(65.3%)
17 Mixed Reviews(34.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Play Magazine
June 10, 2024
Magnacarta 2 has all the spectacle, expanse, drama, combat, and nuance of an epic turn-based RPG, and none of the worn out conventions. SOFTMAX’s seamless real-time battle and field systems, great ensemble cast and boundless character development make all the difference.
June 10, 2024
The memorable story, and the way it was told, combined with an innovative, fast-paced battle system, is what truly makes MagnaCarta 2 stand out for me.
Xbox Achievements
June 10, 2024
Perhaps not as glorious as Lost Odyssey or Eternal Sonata, but it definitely keeps up with Tales of Vesperia and Blue Dragon. A unique, twisting story with likable, engaging characters and a deep, entertaining battle system. Highly recommended.
Digital Chumps
June 10, 2024
Bottomline, it's a great game that is certainly worth your attention.
June 10, 2024
Waiting for the next Final Fantasy? Magna Carta 2 is worth a try – you just have to get over the first hours – it is worth it!
Game Informer
June 10, 2024
With classic role-playing elements and addictive combat mechanics, Magnacarta 2 is a solid game for RPG veterans looking for a new challenge.
June 10, 2024
Magna Carta II has turned out to be a fun game for the JRPG lovers out there. Realtime gameplay is handled well, there’s a lot to discover and it’s graphically adequate. Voice acting and story could've been done better, but it’s a common illness in this type of game. Whoever is looking for a fluent JRPG can add Magna Carta II to his wish list.
MS Xbox World
June 10, 2024
Magna Carta 2 isn't the best role playing game ever, but is certainly a great effort and one that is captivating for the right reasons.
Gamer Limit
June 10, 2024
Magna Carta 2 boasts some extremely interesting characters, combat, and set pieces, but doesn't present any new ideas that will sway JRPG haters.
June 10, 2024
Magnacarta 2 is a traditional JRPG in every sense of the word. The clichéd story and predictable characters are not going to win any innovation awards, but they also manage to entertain just enough to avoid annoyance.
June 10, 2024
Still, if you're a fan of Eastern RPGs this is likely to appeal deeply to you, whilst the more westernized gamer will probably steer clear despite the obvious Western influences that Softmax has bravely taken on board.
June 10, 2024
Magna Carta II is a pleasant surprise. The title does not revolutionize the genre, nor try to establish itself as a new landmark, but it can really offer a solid gameplay, vast and multifaceted. What's more, the unique combat system manages to be original in its own way and certainly is engaging. This also applies to the plot and especially the characterization of the characters, who will be able to absorb you in the magic world designed by Softmax. Never mind if technically we are back a few years of the competition, Magna Carta II is an enjoyable and durable game, that JRPG fans will certainly find rewarding and engaging enough, waiting the eternally delayed masterpieces.
June 10, 2024
It’ll take more of a giant leap, rather than a few baby steps, to truly catapult the JRPG into a league alongside its Western counterparts.
June 10, 2024
Magna Carta 2, event without excellence in any part of it, keeps the player's attention on for the 50 hours of gameplay. Narration is a little bit prosaic in the beginning but, after a couple of hours, it assumes a really interesting shape. It's really a pity that graphics are not so good.
Cheat Code Central
June 10, 2024
All these niggling factors amount to a solid game that's just nowhere near as exciting you want it to be.
Official Xbox Magazine
June 10, 2024
Okay, so Magna Carta 2’s not a meticulously crafted masterpiece. But as long as you go in knowing what annoyances await, you should have a pretty good time kicking monster butt.
Game Revolution
June 10, 2024
Despite its flaws, there’s nothing Magna Carta 2 does bad enough to keep me from playing. If you want to see what a JRPG from the olden days would be like if you gave it a modern overhaul, MC2 will form your responsum.
Armchair Empire
June 10, 2024
There are some cool visuals, a combat system I like, plenty of save points, and just the right amount of Korean-cum-Japanese craziness and campy ellipses to be enjoyable.