February 25, 2014


Based on 8 Reviews
Release date
February 25, 2014


Dating to the creation of the world and mankind, loyalty to the gods and their whims was the central point of the lives of all who inhabit the lands created by the divine. However, as the gods disappeared from people's daily lives, their power and influence began to wane, and cynicism and secularism replaced piety and belief. Amidst the world's slow abandonment of the gods, a profoundly devotee and servant of the gods named Kinna infiltrated one the many prisons of the Waterfall Realm in hopes of finding one who would become a god. Encountering Magus, a prisoner who has spent his entire life incarcerated, she believes that she has found who she was sent to look for. After claiming the powers that were his birthright and learning his true identity, Magus, with Kinna by his side, takes his first steps towards an unknown future.

Magus Trailer

Critic Reviews8

Magus is not an entertaining game. It suffers from repetitive gameplay, bugs, glitches, and abhorrent visuals. Worse still, it’s expensive, with the release currently commanding a laughable $24.99 price point on the PlayStation Store. Put your time and money towards something better than this.
March 12, 2014
I don't think I can argue that Magus is a "good" game. In fact, there's a strong argument to be made that it's kind of terrible. It's short, it's ugly, it's easy, it's kind of stupid — basically, by any conventional judging of good/bad, it probably comes out on the wrong side of the ledger...Here's the thing, though: I loved it.
March 7, 2014
Unlike Deadly Premonition, Earth Defense Force 2025, or other games that hide genuine depth behind an awkward presentation, Magus has no hidden quality, charm or saving grace. It's entirely witless, and none of its mechanics strive for anything beyond mediocrity. Despite its issues, though, Magus is surprisingly breezy to play.
March 7, 2014

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