Major League Baseball 2K10
Work the corners - Based on each pitcher’s mechanics and official scouting reports, Total Control Pitching lets you put the ball exactly where you want it -- provided you keep a close eye on your pitch count. Work the count - With Total Control Hitting you can time your swing to hit for power, put the ball in play or take a defensive cut. Batter's Eye uses a hitter’s real-life eye rating to help you identify Fastballs, Breaking Balls and Off Speed pitches before they get to the plate. The best play like the best - True-to-Life Player Rating System, Signature Style and a new Motion Model ensure every pitch, swing, catch, throw, steal and slide looks and feels like you’re at the ballpark. Become a living legend - With My Player mode you can create a player, choose a team and then play your way into the Hall of Fame. [2K Sports]