Major League Baseball 2K11 Critic Reviews
27 Total Reviews
18 Positive Reviews(66.7%)
9 Mixed Reviews(33.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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March 8, 2011
Finally the game that many 2K Sports fans have been waiting for, and at the very least, the gameplay and presentation is exciting and engaging.
Gaming Age
March 27, 2011
The bottom line is that 2K11 is better in the ways we wanted it to be, so it's a keeper.
Planet Xbox 360
March 11, 2011
Doesn't take huge strides to be the best game in the series, and could use several tweaks – namely AI and visuals – in an upcoming patch. That said, as the default baseball title for Xbox 360, it's a good one, and fans should immediately invest.
March 28, 2011
These gripes aside, however, there is still plenty of satisfaction to be gained from MLB 2K11, for both baseball devotees and curious cricket-fans alike.
Official Xbox Magazine
April 9, 2011
We're just sad to see that after all this time, as Xbox 360's only MLB game, it's not the superstar we wish it was.
April 15, 2011
If you are a baseball fan, or even if you want to learn the vagaries of America's summer pastime then you could do a lot worse than to get this game. All aspects are fun to play, the batting is addictive, the pitching and fielding requires more input from the player than what has been traditional in batting and fielding games in the past.
August 29, 2011
2K chose to focus on the basics with Major League Baseball 2K11, without trying to innovate too much. But the result remains a simulation-oriented game that works really well, blessed with excellent production values, a great atmosphere, and an ergonomic management system for the teams. It still lacks the fresh and innovative ideas to become the definitive Baseball simulation that will shower your living-room with action-packed games.
March 17, 2011
A number of small changes make MLB 2K11 better on the field than its predecessor, although the majority of the new game is identical to the old game.
March 30, 2011
There are still a few hiccups with AI, glitches in gameplay and presentation, and repetitive commentary that need to be checked off on the "To Do" list for next year. Overall, it's a solid, occasionally masterful, occasionally frustrating sim of the national pastime.
Cheat Code Central
March 10, 2011
As much as I liked about Major League Baseball 2K11 (playing online and playing through My Player), I found even more that I didn't like (commentary, menus, bugs and glitches, frustrating AI). I enjoy the promise of the MLB integration, whether it's the updated scores every time I log into the game or the DRPS affecting my in-game roster and stats. But ultimately, MLB 2K11 is its own worst enemy, keeping it from being a great sports game and, once again, second fiddle to the MLB: The Show franchise.
March 15, 2011
It's not a bad baseball game, and has certainly made some improvements. Pitching and hitting are both fun, and the My Player mode has been expanded on to make it more accessible and engrossing. The glitches are fewer, but still noticeable, and the game does make some graphical improvements, though the game engine is looking tired.
March 17, 2011
While we're having some fun with MLB 2K11, we can envision a scenario where the "new baseball game" sheen wears off and we lose steam quickly. It takes a special game to keep our interest over the long haul, and 2K11 may not have enough to grip us tightly and never let go.
March 17, 2011
It's unrealistic to expect every aspect of a franchise game to change from year to year, but 2K11 borrows so many elements from its predecessor that it's genuinely difficult to tell the two apart during key aspects of the experience.
March 21, 2011
When you aren't throwing your controller in frustration over the pitching controls, you might actually enjoy MLB 2K11. The 2K series offers a quality title and is moving in the right direction with their baseball games, but haven't yet perfected the formula like competitors are starting to do.
Video Game Talk
March 21, 2011
I would recommend renting Major League Baseball 2K11 if you have an Xbox 360 to get a feel for the game and see how much you are willing to put up with. If you have a PS3, you obviously need to buy MLB 11: The Show instead of this game.
Game Chronicles
May 2, 2011
If you are a hardcore baseball fan, MLB 2K11 is your only option on the Xbox 360 – so I would suggest checking out a demo or renting the game before signing up for the awkward controls. PS3 owners have the option of Sony's MLB11: The Show, which seems to be receiving a lot of attention across the Internet – I would suggest checking that out first.
August 8, 2011
For those less committed ball fans The Bigs 2 offers a substantially more user-friendly introduction to big boys' rounders.
April 11, 2011
Last year's biggest problems--the graphics and glitches--still plague this year's installment, which is a letdown for a series that seemed to be on the cusp of becoming something more than just an alternative to MLB: The Show.
April 4, 2011
If you have MLB 2K10, I don't feel there's any need to upgrade unless the new features catch your fancy so much that you need to have this game.