
Mario Party Critic Reviews

16 Total Reviews

14 Positive Reviews(87.5%)
1 Mixed Reviews(6.3%)
1 Negative Reviews(6.3%)

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GamePro May 30, 2024
Even the single-player mode is fun, but the Party really starts when the players interact with each other while competing in this hilarious game.
Games Domain May 30, 2024
An excellent game that should be embraced by all gamers (Nintendo haters and loves alike). The best party game since "Super Bomberman 2."
GamerWeb Nintendo May 30, 2024
Mario creates another new genre and further demonstrates why the N64 is the system for party animals. The first game of it's kind … for groups of three or four people, though, Mario Party is a Nintendo 64 classic.
Gaming Maxx May 30, 2024
The best multi-playerS game for parties, sleep over or a past of time for kiddies & young adults alike. Hudson Soft has taken the game boards of the family room table and crush it all into a game cartridge that is well worth the purchase.
The game that would start a Mario-themed party-game revolution.
Gaming Age May 30, 2024
As with most board games, Mario Party relies heavily on luck (the roll of the dice) and has little to do with skill. Although most of the mini-games are fairly simple to learn and to play, I must warn potential buyers of Mario Party that this game is extremely tough on your controllers.
Nintendorks May 30, 2024
A perfect, addictive blend of luck, skill, and strategy … anything can happen in a game of Mario Party, and that's what makes it such unique and enjoyable game. Throw your coat on the bed in the guest room, because you're going to be staying a while.
TotalGames.net May 30, 2024
Mario Party reflects Nintendo's current policy in Japan of knocking out gimmicky video toys instead of those pesky expensive-to-produce games. A good laugh with a group of friends, but it's no substitute for the games that made Nintendo's name in the first place.
Hot Games May 30, 2024
Bring over a few friends, and although they may laugh at the cutesy setting at first, the excitement raised by the frantic multiplayer action is nothing short of sensational. Avoid this one if you're one of those shady loner-types.
IGN May 30, 2024
It's the ultimate party game for N64 on one hand -- but it can also turn into a grueling experience when less than three players are taking part. Mario Party is one of those rare games that has to be played by three or four people to be fun.
Nintendojo May 30, 2024
Do whatever you can to play this game the way it should be played : with four players! The amount of trash talking, cheating, and jinxing provided when you're playing with three other people is unbelievable. A great game that pioneers a great new genre : The Party Genre.
Weekly Famitsu May 30, 2024
8 / 8 / 7 / 8 - 31 silver
GameSpot May 30, 2024
It's that multiplayer competitive spark of screaming at and/or cheering for your friends that injects life into these often-simple little games, and without it, they're just simple little games. The less-social gamer might want to rent.
Electric Playground May 30, 2024
Playing through a slow-as-molasses round of Mario Party can be an excruciatingly tedious experience. Frankly, I just kept dozing off waiting for my turn.
All Game Guide May 30, 2024
Don't expect to win based on skill or shrewd decision making. In fact, this is one of the most random playing board games I've seen! Mario Party is a great idea, but the simplistic nature of gameplay coupled with extremely short mini-games will leave most players feeling unsatisfied.
Game Revolution May 30, 2024
A party game with great intentions, but unsatisfying delivery. This is a tedious and often frustrating experience, and its few bright spots get squashed under the weight of Mario's fat, boring ass. This is one dead party.