
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins Critic Reviews

22 Total Reviews

18 Positive Reviews(81.8%)
4 Mixed Reviews(18.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Planet Xbox 360 September 27, 2012
Capcom has done a remarkable job in presenting these beloved classics in their original state while adding just enough extra content like CRT Mode, The Vault and the slew of filters that allow you to recreate the game to look exactly like the last time you played it during the '90s.
EGM October 19, 2012
Marvel vs Capcom Origins does a fine job of staying true to the originals, while the addition of dynamic challenges provide a new layer of addictiveness that helps to overshadow how much these games have aged in the past two decades.
Gaming Nexus October 1, 2012
This is yet another Capcom collection that pits two similar fighting games together for one cheap price. The good news is that both Marvel vs. Capcom and Marvel Super Heroes are great games that hold up well. Unfortunately, the bad news is that you're going to get stomped online. With its creative use of filtering and goals to complete, Marvel vs. Capcom Origins is a must-buy for anybody with an interest in fighting games!
ZTGD October 3, 2012
This is yet another solid collection of classics from Capcom.
Game Over Online October 10, 2012
I'd argue that Marvel Super Heroes is worth the price of admission here, but like I said, it's one of my childhood favorites and it's possible I'm biased. Marvel vs. Capcom, despite its sequels, isn't anywhere near as good and I could've done without its inclusion.
IGN September 26, 2012
The love put into the collection is clear in the attention to faithfully reproducing exactly what made players fall in love with these games in the first place.
Gamers' Temple October 3, 2012
Marvel vs Capcom Origins returns us to the roots of the Vs style fighting gameplay with Marvel Super Heroes and the original Marvel vs Capcom!
Eurogamer Sweden October 17, 2012
Marvel vs. Capcom: Origins offers two great fighting experiences with mechanics that hold up even today. It might stand in the shadows of the sequels, but for those of you who want to see what it looked like the first time Gambit beat up Mega Man, you can't go wrong with this game.
DarkZero October 18, 2012
Ultimately, MVC Origins comes the closest I've seen yet to recreating that arcade feeling you know and love. After playing these games, don't be surprised if you start demanding your opponent's quarters because of how badly you just beat him. There might be other games that copy the speed-based fighter formula, but few have ever and may ever copy this great blend of characters, enjoyment, and playability.
Armchair Empire October 22, 2012
For 1200 MS Points, the compilation will appeal to fans of the arcade titles if only for the sake of nostalgia because there are plenty of better fighting games available.
Pelit (Finland) November 15, 2012
A worthwhile update of Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel vs. Capcom. The numerous achievements and their real-time updates are welcome additions.
Worth Playing November 19, 2012
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins is a near-royal treatment given to a duo of games that have stood the test of time. These should have come far earlier than they did (namely, before the current-generation releases of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and 3, and arguably even Tatsunoko vs. Capcom), but hopefully this collection will give two great games a new lease on life. If you think the current Marvel fighting games have a little too much going on to track of, then I would absolutely recommend going back a couple of decades. There's still a ton of fun to be had there.
CD-Action November 29, 2012
There is only one thing missing in Origins: a coin slot. If you're willing to reminisce about the good old days of arcade gaming, this is a great opportunity to do it.
Vandal September 27, 2012
Fully recommendable for classic fighting games fans, even though those who are new to the genre might find it unbalanced and poor when it comes to the different modes. One way or another, Marvel vs. Origins is a great experience with a lot of care put in it, perfect for getting to know the origin of the series.
Meristation September 27, 2012
Marvel vs Capcom Origins is a good revision for a not too good fighting games. Fun, accessible and solid online game modes but with the same errors: unbalanced characters and infinite combos.
COGconnected October 2, 2012
As a compilation, it doesn't break any new ground; however, if you are a fan of classic fighting games and want to excuse to head back down memory lane then Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins is a purchase you likely won't regret.
GameFocus October 22, 2012
When it all comes down to it, these are without a doubt the best versions of these two fighting classics to date. Improved visuals, online play, and other tiny but sweet details make Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins fulfilling as a package. However, the same amount of praise can't exactly be said about the games themselves.
DarkStation October 17, 2012
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins is an acceptable package. While Iron Galaxy did a decent job updating these games in terms of visuals and online play, they couldn't change the basic gameplay. One of the games included in this package is fun to play and the other is pretty poor. It's not the worst HD remake you could buy, but there are just too many other ones to make this a must buy.
Gaming Age October 2, 2012
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins brings the fun with 2 classic fighters. If you are a 2D fighting fan, like myself, you will find something to like here.
Official Xbox Magazine October 15, 2012
Old-schoolers will appreciate the effort put into Origins, even if it reinforces the progress fighters have made since that late-'90s Silver Age.