
Masquerada: Songs and Shadows Critic Reviews

16 Total Reviews

13 Positive Reviews(81.3%)
3 Mixed Reviews(18.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Digitally Downloaded August 7, 2017
Masquerada is a rare gem of a game in which everything about it comes together just perfectly to give plays a consistent and cohesive experience. Sure it’s possible to rue its relatively short running time (at 20 hours, this is a short RPG), particularly when the lore is so deep that you’ll want to dig deeper into it all. And, yes, it’s a hyper-linear game at a time where “good game design” apparently means “arbitrary open world.” But these “faults” drive home the point and purpose of the game, and as a narrative experience, Masquerada is truly wonderful.
PlayStation LifeStyle August 9, 2017
The story is the star here, and Witching Hour Studios have crafted a narrative they should be proud of.
GameCritics August 21, 2017
While the combat leaves a bit to be desired, Masquerada is by far the best story-driven game I’ve played, and I have no doubt that I will play it again. There’s something incredibly valuable about playing something that challenges the way I see the world, and that’s an experience worth repeating, even if I have to plow through a few fights to do it.
RPG Fan February 12, 2018
When we hear the word masquerade, we usually think of a social gathering where people wear masks and other fancy attire. But this word is much more than a mere event. As a noun, a masquerade can also signify a false pretense or show. And as a verb, a person who masquerades is a person who pretends to be something they are not. With definitions like these, masquerada is a truly fitting title for this game. Underneath its guise of political machinations, Masquerada: Songs and Shadows is a mirror depicting the ever-present shadows in society while also reflecting the societal masquerade that humanity subconsciously participates in.
GameGrin September 11, 2017
Copious amounts of story content occasionally broken up by challenging tactical combat will keep you entertained for hours. Masquerada is a beautiful game with fantastic well written characters and a plethora of story content. If you’re the type that likes to take their time and absorb themselves in the world then Masquerada: Songs and Shadows is the game for you.
NZGamer August 21, 2017
Masquerada has decent combat, painfully linear level design, and an amazing story with equally amazing characters. Come for the colourful art style, stay for the fantastic world building and plot twists.
DarkStation September 1, 2017
Overall, I really enjoyed my time with Masquerada: Songs and Shadows. Granted, it doesn't have the deepest combat system out there, and its isometric graphics aren't what anyone would call top-notch (although both those things are solid for an indie title). But what it does have is a lot of HEART. The story is intriguing and well told and the audio is just fantastic. If you're looking for a song to get lost in, Maquerada may be just what you're looking for.
4Players.de August 18, 2017
A story-focused fantasy RPG with team-based realtime battles and handdrawn comic visuals: This is definitely not as generic as the title suggests.
COGconnected August 8, 2017
If linear gameplay and combat that’s decent at best don’t sound like your idea of a good time, look elsewhere. Masquerada: Songs and Shadows tends to fit a niche that is a classic staple of video games.
PlayStation Universe August 16, 2017
A real labour of love, Masquerada is a highly enjoyable RPG effort that is absolutely drowning in audiovisual style and spectacle, even if the overly linear structure and sometimes convoluted world building detracts from the final result.
Games Master UK October 6, 2017
Masquerada's got heat - give it a chance, and it'll give you a wonderful world to lose yourself in.
CGMagazine August 8, 2017
A pretty solid first outing for a small studio. I love the original take on a classic formula as far as setting goes (despite all my characters looking like total dorks), and it’s refreshing to see. However, the linear gameplay, chaotic combat, and lack of items and sidequests really holds it back from being a huge success.
Meristation September 11, 2017
Masquerada is a good game with a beautiful art style and a fantastic original soundtrack. However, we would like to see a no linear design with non simple combat mechanics.
Push Square August 6, 2017
Masquerada: Songs and Shadows sacrifices depth to tell an intriguing story. Its incredibly linear design keeps things moving, but between unremarkable combat and an over-reliance on exposition through a bloated codex, it's never able to fully capture your imagination. Masquerada is a stunted RPG that's entertaining enough while it lasts, but you probably won't be coming back to Ombre once it's over.
TheSixthAxis August 7, 2017
While there’s nothing particularly poor about Songs and Shadows’ story or battle system, the way they come together leaves an unwelcome void in between. When playing, it’s hard not to compare it to bigger, better games like Baldur’s Gate or more recent RPGs like Pillars of Eternity and Divinity. Masquerada just doesn’t have the same level of rewarding complexity or seamlessness, bogged down by constant stopping and starting.
Video Chums August 10, 2017
If you're looking for a captivating story set in an immersive world then Masquerada: Songs and Shadows is sure to satisfy. However, as an RPG, it simply doesn't provide enough rewarding gameplay to delight genre fans.