Medal of Honor Critic Reviews
71 Total Reviews
52 Positive Reviews(73.2%)
19 Mixed Reviews(26.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Gaming Target
October 21, 2010
Medal of Honor is more than just a reboot of a storied franchise. It takes the FPS genre to a whole new level.
Eurogamer Italy
October 21, 2010
The return of Medal of Honor is a success. The game looks really good, and plays even better. The single player campaign is short but really intense. The multiplayer grants tons of fun and great challenges for those looking for something less arcade than Modern Warfare 2.
October 21, 2010
While the battle between the two modern warfare juggernauts will be settled in multiplayer, the single player stands well enough on its own to justify your purchase.
October 21, 2010
It's hard to say how MOH will stack up against the competition but if you were on the fence know that there is an interesting and emotional single player included alongside a multiplayer offering that has enough modes and unlocks to keep things interesting for some time.
October 21, 2010
MoHs singleplayer-experience can't match Infinity Ward's masterpiece, but DICEs Multiplayer part countervails that little shortfall pretty well. Bottom line: No Must-Have, but a good shooter nevertheless.
October 21, 2010
EA failed to kick Call of Duty off the genre-throne but still entertains a lot with its unique shooter-experience. The pacing, feeling and presentation of the short solo-campaign is refreshingly unique. Even though some minor technical hicups and some rather frustrating sequences bothered us, Medal of Honor is an overall pleasant and exciting experience.
October 21, 2010
Medal of Honor leaves you with a shallow taste. On the one hand, it's a very good and intense game, but on the other hand, there are so many elements you've already seen in other shooters. Moreover, the graphics really could have been much better.
Games Master UK
October 21, 2010
Like Battlefield before it, Medal of Honor is an engrossing online shooter with an above-average campaign mode bolted on. As a result, it's a purchase you should only seriously consider if your console is hooked up to the intarwebs. On a wider scale though, this reboot thrusts Medal of Honor back into the spotlight, and for the first time in ages we can't wait to see where EA take the series next.
Official Xbox Magazine
October 21, 2010
Intense without being brash, and focused on a tight situation as opposed to a global theater of operation, the relaunched Medal of Honor definitely finds its own voice as a military shooter. It's polished and visually appealing, while providing a little gaming perspective on a controversial military action. And you don't get that every day.
October 21, 2010
Medal of Honor is a good alternative to the Call of Duty series even if it doesn't add anything new to the mix. Due to its very short single player campaign, buy it only if you're planning to spend many hours online.
MS Xbox World
October 21, 2010
MOH offers a welcome return of form, although totally lacking in features for the solo gamer.
October 21, 2010
A great shooter, that suffers from some technical flaws and a multiplayer without the charisma of the competitors, allthough funny and compelling.
October 21, 2010
A solid FPS, but not the masterpiece that EA promised to the gamers.
Game Revolution
October 21, 2010
While the multiplayer has its cons, it definitely has potential to be built into something more and I wouldn't be surprised if downloadable content releases soon. The single-player campaign is enough to hold anyone through a gripping story with non-stop and fast-paced action and a trio of compelling characters.
October 21, 2010
It is a solid step in the right direction. It has actions, it has suspense, and it has solid experiences that bring awe as the bullets are flying. The graphic anomalies take a bit away, but you cannot help but root for this game, and the definite heart felt honor it seems to want to present to the men and women in the military.
October 21, 2010
It manages to nail the tenets of its genre, but with few trimmings. It's so blunt in its approach that it makes many other military shooters seem fantastical in comparison. And while the level of reverence shows respect for the subject matter, it's aimed a little too squarely at military buffs. You'll feel like you're painting by the numbers as you paint targets.
October 21, 2010
While some elements are fantastically executed and the main campaign is quite compelling, there just isn't enough innovation or diversity in the multiplayer or beyond the story to pry people away from its behemoth of a competitor.
October 21, 2010
Ultimately, I think MoH is an interesting attempt to address war in a respectful way, and it should find its niche as a legitimate alternative for gamers who don't want to jump on the Call of Duty bandwagon.
October 21, 2010
It certainly does little to advance the theory that videogames are responsible enough to tell stories within sensitive contexts - it's compelling and enjoyable to play on a visceral level, but it's a shame it lacks the creative bravery to match the courage of the heroes it so reveres.