MediEvil Critic Reviews
74 Total Reviews
45 Positive Reviews(60.8%)
26 Mixed Reviews(35.1%)
1 Negative Reviews(1.4%)
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Daily Star
October 23, 2019
Other Ocean's reimagining of MediEvil is a respectful recreation of a unique classic. While some might think that the developers have gone down the safe route of a carbon copy recreation, it's clear that a lot of work that has gone into retaining MediEvil's original charm. The result? A gorgeous display of creative affection for a series limited by its original console confinement.
App Trigger
October 26, 2019
MediEvil is a colorful trip down memory lane filled with gorgeous, updated graphics, the same amazing OST and improved (yet still retro) gameplay mechanics. This will make you feel like a kid again.
PlayStation Universe
October 23, 2019
MediEvil finally makes the transition from PS1 to PS4 in a spectacular new remake that fans have been clamoring for. The Tim Burton-esque beauty and clever gameplay has held up incredibly well for a twenty-year-old game but some precarious camera angles and clumsy combat keep the game from perfection.
Game Over Online
October 23, 2019
While MediEvil has a couple of rough edges, the core game is more fun than ever before thanks to an extensive reworking of the original mechanics.
October 26, 2019
MediEvil on PlayStation 4 is history repeating itself. An independent developer who has an idea or a mission big enough to make them overcome the low budget with creativity and love for their work. A faithful remake with interesting solutions to make an old game live in 2019, but also with limitations that stop it to be the best one on this generation. It’s also doubtful that this game will be able to draw new players because of its inexperience and rigidities that directly came from the 90s. But this MediEvil remains to praise because it brings back not only Sir Dan, but also his message: sometimes motivation could everything you need to achieve something great. Because in the end we are all Sir Daniel Fortesque.
October 23, 2019
MediEvil shows that it's possible to take a classic and completely remake the look from the ground up while still making it feel as it once did two decades ago.
November 4, 2019
Sir Daniel Fortesque returns to the world of video games in the form of remastering, recovering the essence that made his first installment mythical and with a renewed graphic section for the occasion.
October 23, 2019
All in all MediEvil PS4 is a solid, well-made remake that is a Halloween treat for longtime fans thanks to its remarkably improved sounds and visuals. Other Ocean Emeryville also does a nice job of ironing out some old kinks for modern audiences while leaving the gameplay mostly intact. Most of the time, this is for the better, but sometimes it's for the worse.
October 23, 2019
2019's MediEvil has done nothing but improve upon the original in every conceivable way, and if you can look past its faults, it's a wonderful adventure whether you're familiar with the original or not.
October 23, 2019
It is the MediEvil you remember (and probably love) from 1998, albeit with updated visuals and sound, a new camera system and a superb art direction. Some problems from the past -like the sometimes awkward camera- have somehow managed to find their way into this release as well, but the same can be said for the charming and unique gameplay and aesthetic that oozes from this game.
Game Rant
October 23, 2019
The MediEvil PS4 remake stays true to the original game while being a more enjoyable experience overall. There were still some ways that the developers could have made the MediEvil PS4 remake even better, but what's here is still a great game and will leave fans hungry for more.
October 23, 2019
This remake of MediEvil is of high quality, both in terms of graphics and sound. The work on the music is excellent and it is a pleasure too travel again through Gallowmere landscapes with Sir Daniel Fortesque.
October 23, 2019
Showing itself as a game that is extremely faithful to the original one and greatly respects the starting point of the franchise, MediEvil Remake is shown as the perfect opportunity to relive the adventure of Sir Daniel Fortesque with nostalgia. Despite that some of its playable aspects may be below current standards, Other Ocean has managed to revive the Gallowmere's Kingdom paying attention to what made the title great in the past.
Digitally Downloaded
October 23, 2019
The visual update is beautiful, the orchestrated soundtrack is gorgeous, and, let's face it, if a developer were to fully modernise MediEvil, the result would likely lose all of the series charm by bloating it out with endless side-quests, open worlds, and some Very. Serious. Violence (TM). MediEvil is a rare bit of whimsy from modern Sony, and so while it plays a little bit too much like an artifact of yesteryear, it still got me smiling.
Press Start Australia
October 24, 2019
There’s something really special about MediEvil getting a well-deserved remake beyond the visual and audio glow-up. It provides the title with a chance to break out of the confines of relative obscurity to reach a wider audience. MediEvil deserves all of this and more with its fantastic tone, entertaining characters and story, excellent level design, and stellar pacing, even if a few issues hold it back. If you haven’t played it before you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not giving it a go, and if you have played it before, rejoice in Fortesque’s skeletal embrace.
PSX Extreme
November 22, 2019
Overall, MediEvil caters more towards the die-hard fans of the franchise by delivering a near-identical experience with incredibly updated audio-visual presentation, but I firmly believe it will serve as a great introduction for new players as well. I’m sincerely hopeful that this remaster is successful, because I want to see more of Gallowmere in the future, not less.
Riot Pixels
December 16, 2019
It's a short, but very intense adventure, with brief cinematics, compact maps without padding or copy/pasted elements. It brings a lot of variety into the world teeming with bland "sandboxes".
IGN Italia
October 23, 2019
A remake of the original MediEvil with something more. Perfect for the fans, good enough for the newcomers.
October 23, 2019
Given that a physical copy of the original MediEvil goes for roughly $30 these days, shelling out the same price for a PS4 remake is a steal.
God is a Geek
October 23, 2019
MediEvil is a hallowed classic, undeniably, and it's presented here with a shiny new look and comfortably familiar feel, made with enough love and attention to resurrect its appeal for existing fans.