
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar Critic Reviews

10 Total Reviews

2 Positive Reviews(20%)
8 Mixed Reviews(80%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Nintendo Power June 5, 2024
Despite there being some room for improvement, I have no problem calling Mega Man Battle Network 6 the series' best entry yet.
N-Insanity June 5, 2024
The graphics reek of four years ago, and animation is horrible.
GameSpot June 5, 2024
For anyone that poured their heart into any of the last two or three games, however, Mega Man Battle Network 6 definitely comes across as been there, done that.
Game Informer June 5, 2024
Quotation forthcoming.
eToychest June 5, 2024
Those who have played the games up to now and are somehow not burnt out on the gameplay could have some fun with what Capcom has put together here. Newcomers, on the other hand, might be better advised to pick up one of the earlier titles rather than jump into this newer release at full price.
Yahoo! June 5, 2024
If you've never played the Battle Network games before, the latest version is a fine way to introduce yourself to the series, but you'd do just as well with one of the older titles -- after all, they're cheaper and offer about the same experience.
GameSpy June 5, 2024
If you've never seen the allure of the Mega Man Battle Network series, this latest installment isn't going to win you over. Even if you are a fan, the heavy sense of déjà vu might have you feeling a little apathetic by now.
IGN June 5, 2024
When playing through Battle Network 6 we couldn't help but feel like we've already collected this chip, fought that fight and tracked down that meaningless item countless times. We've "been there, done that" five times already and veterans of the series will undoubtedly feel the same way.
NintendoWorldReport June 5, 2024
Slightly better than your average game that comes with an unintentionally comedic story. It's no shock that MMBN6 isn't trying to win over new fans, and on a system all but dead there isn't much need to innovate. It is what it is and fans of the series who aren't sick of the formula yet will love it.
1UP June 5, 2024
Without the story, all your venturing through the game would be for naught. It's the redeeming quality that makes the back-and-forth, to-and-fro quests, the battles every five feet, and the unaltered appearance worth wading through. It's just something that you'll really have to want to do.