
Mega Man X7 Critic Reviews

30 Total Reviews

6 Positive Reviews(20%)
21 Mixed Reviews(70%)
3 Negative Reviews(10%)

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Siliconera June 5, 2024
The game shines graphically. Capcom uses a clever mix of 3D textures and cel shading. The backgrounds are full of vivid colors, the explosions are clear and there are even some neat shadowing effects.
Deeko June 5, 2024
The simple lack of camera control during 3D levels, the rather unimaginative level designs, the sometimes annoying lock-on system (that Axl uses) are all factors in the game that simply drag it down.
Game Informer June 5, 2024
Considering the highly frustrating boss battles and some irritating level designs, Mega Man X7 is likely to only appeal to the Blue Bomber's hardcore fans.
GMR Magazine June 5, 2024
Mega Man's bread and butter has always been the run-n-gun, and X7 continues that tradition admirably.
PSM Magazine June 5, 2024
The multiple angles, 3D engine, and stellar visuals in Mega Man X7 do move the series forward, even if gameplay remains the same, which is okay in our book.
Everything X7 delivers is quality, although with an unshakable sense of 'been there many times before'.
IGN June 5, 2024
We can only recommend the game to those with an undying patience or a passion for the series. Otherwise, there are plenty of other actioners out there that will provide far more fun than this.
GameSpot June 5, 2024
When X7 ventures into new territory and starts tinkering with the tried-and-true Mega Man formula, things start to go wrong.
TotalGames.net June 5, 2024
It does two things badly, when we'd rather it did one thing well.
GameZone June 5, 2024
Not as fun as previous Megaman titles. It feels like a rushed product that was not ready to be in the hands of gamers.
Other than the stylish cel-shaded visuals, there's hardly anything new here... Seriously, I haven't seen camera problems this bad since the early days of PS1.
TotalPlayStation June 5, 2024
The added elements like Axel’s powers and the Reploids that need rescuing add something new and entertaining to the mix, but with such a lackluster presentation, most of that effort gets pushed aside by and otherwise bland experience.
Adrenaline Vault June 5, 2024
The shoddy camera system and somewhat unintuitive controls cause far too many headaches.
PSX Nation June 5, 2024
Old school fun has never looked better, controlled more awkwardly (the shifting perspectives mess with the character control), sounded more outdated or sold for a fairer price than X7’s.
GameShark June 5, 2024
With uninspired level design and a lacking audio presentation, the game has little to offer hardcore fans of the series.
GamePro June 5, 2024
A huge amount of slowdown, even when there’s little going on, detracts from the overall simple shooting-n-slashing frenzy. A sloppy targeting system and the inability to strafe make the controls more of a pain than painless.
Thunderbolt June 5, 2024
Mega Man X7 is a decent follow-up to the travesty of a game that was Mega Man X6, but it will still come off as a lacking action title for the gamers that have never been interested in the series. Nice try, Capcom.
GameNow June 5, 2024
Right away, you'll notice that the camera just doesn't work very well.. Promising but poorly designed 3D levels drag down the fun.
Play Magazine June 5, 2024
Though the basic Mega Man tenets remain intact - play through level, kill boss, gain new ability - compared to modern games, many of the 3D levels and the accompanying gameplay feel like a freshman effort.
It's just a mess whenever it thrusts you into confusing fully 3D levels. Here, the ugly, high-contrast backdrops look like a Lite-Brite melting underwater.