
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Critic Reviews

61 Total Reviews

57 Positive Reviews(93.4%)
2 Mixed Reviews(3.3%)
2 Negative Reviews(3.3%)

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Guardian February 19, 2013
The Metal Gear myth has never before appeared so agile, fresh and youthful, but more than the setting its Platinum's virtuoso coders that shine throughout, the object slicing a marvel of high-speed 3D manipulation. A technical masterpiece, Rising offers a funfair ride approximation of Konami's brooding series, but one with more than enough capacity for the Bayonetta veteran to express their dexterous expertise.
PlayStation Universe February 19, 2013
The action is always exciting and absorbing while the sword-play is refreshing, innovative and dynamic. The cut-scenes are brilliantly produced and the boss battles tense and engaging.
Impulsegamer February 19, 2013
A spectacular game on the PlayStation 3 that not only respects the previous titles but enhances the future of this genre.
LaPS4 February 19, 2013
Revengeance is one of the most surprising hack'n'slash titles of this generation. Years ago, nobody would have imagined a game like this within the franchise, and Platinum Games is giving us everything we wanted with it.
Play UK February 28, 2013
The combat is faultless, the story is bonkers and the bosses some of the finest in gaming history.
Eurogamer February 19, 2013
If Revengeance didn't have camera issues this would be the easiest 10 I've ever given. As things stand it's still brilliant, staking out new territory in the genre and adapting certain Metal Gear characteristics so well that it makes the competition look outrageously bad. This is simply the ultimate one-man show, worth its ticket price many times over, an experience that improves exponentially as it gets faster and as you get better.
Polygon February 19, 2013
Platinum Games has done something incredibly rare: honoring a beloved series while successfully broadening its reach into a whole new genre.
Metro GameCentral February 19, 2013
Exactly as entertaining as you’d expect from a collaboration between two of Japan’s most talented developers, and one of the best action games of the generation.
games(TM) February 19, 2013
For all the development trouble, for all the doubts, for all the talk about what Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance could have been – it’s now a Platinum game and it sparkles with the same confidence and verve it would have done had Kojima been at the helm. It’s an absolute joy to play and is almost certainly the best Metal Gear gen released this gen.
GamingTrend February 19, 2013
For true fans this title could be a no-brainer – it’s Metal Gear. More casual fans can rest easy that you really don’t have to know much about the series at all to enjoy this one. Both will have to weigh if that short of a run time warrants the cost.
TotalPlayStation February 20, 2013
Revengeance only falters in its overall length. There's plenty of replay value, of course, but this is one of the rare times when gameplay can't quite overcome the lack of a meaty core experience. Still, this is a game not to be missed, folks.
Thunderbolt February 20, 2013
Platinum identified that a world subject to infinite player Ginsu-knifing is a world without obstruction. Revengeance revives its signature sword play as the show stopper it was always meant to be, but does it in a calculated manner. The result is an action game that never overstays its welcome.
The Digital Fix February 25, 2013
The game can be completed in approximately six to eight hours, depending on how quickly you master the combat and if you choose to watch the cutscenes. It may not sound like a lot but after giving your thumbs a serious work out, it’s actually just the right amount of time needed to tell Raiden’s story.
Gamer.no February 26, 2013
An exhilarating experience that beats home just what kind of masters Platinum Games are at what they do. One of the best action games in years, and one that will stay with you for a very long time.
Gameplanet February 27, 2013
As if it weren't clear by the title, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance indulges the ridiculous. This entry into the now-hallowed franchise is one of the very best.
Game Over Online March 4, 2013
Overall, Revengeance is an exciting and unique entry into the Metal Gear milieu. It’s a perfect combination of Metal Gear stylings and Ninja Gaiden frenetic action.
GameFocus April 9, 2013
Improvements need to be made, but Metal Gear Rising has already established itself to be an action game well worth buying.
Digital Chumps February 19, 2013
The cutting mechanic is smartly embraced as Revengeance's signature rather than its limitation, a crescendo earned by appreciating the profundity of its stylish combat. This is actually expected of Platinum, but the real surprise is their respect and dedication Metal Gear’s established doctrine. By any definition, Revengeance is beautiful symmetry.
3DJuegos February 19, 2013
Visually amazing, intense and beautifully fast, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is an amazing game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Unfortunately, the campaign of this action-packed hack 'n slash is too short.
Raiden can't block, he can only parry by swinging the left stick in the direction of an enemy and pressing square. That's right, one of the attack buttons. Raiden's motto is very simple: The best offense is a good defense.