
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Critic Reviews

68 Total Reviews

66 Positive Reviews(97.1%)
2 Mixed Reviews(2.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GamePro May 8, 2024
Snake Eater revives the spirit of the first Solid, with an intriguing scenario, intense action, and a long adventure that stays riveting almost every step of the way--all wrapped in high-gloss cinematic cut-scenes and voice-overs that could have come from any A-action film.
PSM Magazine May 8, 2024
Snake Eater has one of the greatest gaggle of villains ever assembled in a game.
The most noteworthy part of the game is easily the end sequence. Without spoiling it, it's a chase that combines elements of MGS, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", "Return of the Jedi", "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker", and "Ico" into an utterly engrossing and visceral ride.
Adrenaline Vault May 8, 2024
With the radar screen gone and the camouflage index, stamina gauge, inclusive healing system and a whole host of new gadgets in, the series is more tactical than ever.
GMR Magazine May 8, 2024
Culminates in one of the greatest ending sequences in gaming and what's probably the most impressive display of the PlayStation 2's untapped graphical abilities.
Gaming Age May 8, 2024
Possibly the best-looking PS2 game EVER! The character models are intricately detailed to show facial grimaces, wrinkles on clothing, and wonderful animation throughout the entire game.
Cinescape May 8, 2024
You might be surprised that this game isn't an Xbox game when you first see it on the TV. It looks great and while it does have some telltale signs of being a PS2 game, it's still absolutely gorgeous.
Play Magazine May 8, 2024
The edge-of-your seat action is incredibly intense and perfectly paced. Combined with ties to real-life events, the immersion level is off the charts.
Into Liquid Sky May 8, 2024
It takes the quality gameplay from the second game and vastly improves it, while taking the better story pacing from the first game in mind when providing the lengthy tale that really involves the gamer.
Australian GamePro May 8, 2024
Marks a return of the series that should thoroughly satisfy fans as well as newcomers and silence the criticism that MGS2 received.
PSX Extreme May 8, 2024
The character development...oh, man...the character development is unbelievable. Seeing such fantastic depth in these characters completely blew me away; some of them feel so life-like it's quite frightening.
Gaming Target May 8, 2024
Is Metal Gear Solid 3 the best game of the year? Yes. Is Metal Gear Solid 3 the best in its series? No.
Next Level Gaming May 8, 2024
Without a doubt the best Metal Gear Solid game ever made. It also also one of the most beautiful games ever created on the Playstation 2 system.
Game Over Online May 8, 2024
Not only is Snake Eater a triumphant return to the PS2, it's perhaps the best installment of the franchise to date. The inclusion of camouflage and greater attention to hand to hand combat via the CQC system are great additions to gameplay.
Games Radar May 8, 2024
The best of the bunch yet. If you've never indulged in tactical espionage action before, you really have no excuse to let this pass you by. Absolutely vital.
IGN May 8, 2024
This is the best game in the Metal Gear Solid series and it pushes the PS2 just as far as it can go. With a total of 20-25 hours for the first time this provides a fantastic experience that will stimulate multiple parts of your brain and make you feel all fuzzy inside.
BonusStage May 8, 2024
Except for the slow first few hours of the game and an occasionally annoying camera, MGS 3 is damn near a perfect game.
eToychest May 8, 2024
It has all of the elements of a blockbuster movie mixed with the interactivity of a video game, resulting in an experience that is both invigorating and intriguing. In other words, this is game is a work of art, and needs to be experienced.
Game Informer May 8, 2024
To anyone who thinks that MGS 3 is all about flash and no substance, I say this: You are an idiot.
PGNx Media May 8, 2024
Much like "San Andreas," it doesn't force this stuff on you. It lets you uncover them on your own. It's like having a surprise being unwrapped just a little at a time. This is certainly a much tougher game than the first two and the higher sense of realism plays an important role into that.