
Microsoft Flight Simulator Critic Reviews

71 Total Reviews

65 Positive Reviews(91.5%)
1 Mixed Reviews(1.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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VGC August 17, 2020
This stunningly gorgeous, remarkably detailed sim is a triumph for both expert players and flight rookies.
Player 2 August 17, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator is a once-in-a-generation technical showpiece that will change how you look at flight sim games forever.
Press Start Australia August 17, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator is a game that you have to play to understand just how incredible of an experience it is. It's an incomparable adventure that consistently surprises and delights. The game provides you with all the tools necessary to conquer the unthinkable task of flying the plane. Asobo has laid an incredible platform that will provide hours upon hours of joy for both casual gamers and flight experts alike, and it's only upwards from here.
GamingTrend August 17, 2020
There is nothing out there like Microsoft Flight Simulator. It delivers the entire world in unrivaled quality, combined with pinpoint precise controls and realism at a level that is unmatched. If you want a taste of the sky, this game is virtual perfection, and if you are learning to fly in the real world, nothing will reinforce what you’ve already learned more than Microsoft Flight Simulator.
AusGamers August 17, 2020
The miracle of flight is something to savour, no matter your seat. Microsoft Flight Simulator not only captures that feeling, it manages to put the entire world in your hands.
IGN August 17, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator is legitimately incredible. It's difficult to fully describe how amazing it feels to jump into a plane and have the freedom fly to and from literally any place in the entire world. The base game's 20 included aircraft feel like more than enough for even hardcore aviation enthusiasts, and the ability to adjust the assists to tailor the experience to whatever skill level you desire makes it suitable for anyone looking to fly the friendly skies from the comfort of their home. The real-world mapping data, however, takes Microsoft Flight Simulator from being just an impressive game to the most awe-inspiring simulation I've ever experienced, in spite of its less than stellar load times. Seeing famous landmarks, landing at the world's most recognizable airports, or just touching down in a remote landing strip in South America is mind-bogglingly cool and an absolutely unparalleled way to virtually explore our world.
VG247 August 17, 2020
Developer Asobo Studio says Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is a ten-year project with many additions to come. That makes sense, as it’s a brilliant base package with so very much to love that I can still see myself returning to for years. For me, the casual, it’s a perfect low-stakes, relaxing gaming experience. It’s a technical achievement and an excellent training aid, but it’s also a brilliant piece of escapism, transcending its purpose as a tool to become something far more widely enjoyable – and I can’t recommend it enough.
Wccftech August 17, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator is a marvelous use of technology to create one of the most wonderful and spectacular looking games I've ever played. Never a proponent of realism, it simply works here thanks to thousands of handcrafted buildings, as well as certain exceptionally detailed cities, planes and airports, giving you something that is a sheer joy to explore. This attention to detail expands to the controls of the planes, though Asobo ensured it's accessible through easy to use Xbox controller functions. Once you're past the learning curve and the full functions of the planes are at your disposal, there's little that can be said other than this as close to perfect as could be hoped. There are some very slight issues, such as long loading times - expected due to what is being loaded - but every square inch of the Earth is accessible and it's always worth the wait, particularly thanks to the number of options at your disposal. There's no doubt in my mind that this will be a platform that will last long into the future.
Guardian August 17, 2020
Wherever you go, this game captures the wonder of flight, and the spiritual and emotional rush of seeing the world in a different way.
Impulsegamer August 19, 2020
With a strong starting point in terms of aircraft to use and the fact that you can fly to/from anywhere in the world and the promise of more content in the future (especially the teased VR update in the not too distant future), I really can’t recommend this enough to fans of flight! Visually stunning and a challenge if you want it to be, or a reasonably calm flight of fancy if you want that. Perhaps a little pricey, but some extreme flight simulators can go for much more, so it’s somewhat relative.
TheGamer August 23, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator was well worth the wait. For enthusiasts of past installments, there is so much to look forward to. For those who might be on the fence about a flight simulator that is virtually an endless sandbox game, the great news is that it has been added to the Xbox Game Pass on PC right from launch, and players can check it out there before making the plunge.
Hardcore Gamer August 24, 2020
The skies may be an endless expanse of blue but the planet beneath it is infinitely detailed, and Microsoft Flight Simulator lays out the whole thing in a single game, waiting to be explored.
GameSpew August 25, 2020
If you’ve ever wanted to fly a plane or are simply fascinated by air travel, Microsoft Flight Simulator is a must-have. But for those with Xbox Game Pass for PC, it’s also worth a download simply for the window to the outside world it delivers. Never been to Egypt and seen the pyramids? It’s not quite the same, but flying over them in Microsoft Flight Simulator will still let you appreciate their grandiosity. Upset that you haven’t been able to go on holiday to your favourite location abroad this year? You can at least visit it in digital form while sipping a nice cocktail. Microsoft Flight Simulator is back, and thanks to modern technology it’s really come into its own.
Games.cz September 2, 2020
Thanks to Microsoft Flight Simulator, everybody can now get a taste of the excitement that comes with being a pilot. The game is so remarkably good at this that you don’t even need to use your imagination. Your dreams will come true on the screen.
GameCrate September 22, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 lives up to the hype, reinventing itself for a new decade of technological possibility. Accessible but challenging, and with mind-boggling graphics, this entry from Asobo will continue to be the gold-standard for years to come.
COGconnected August 18, 2020
It’s more than a game. Sure there are planes you can buy, events you can take part in, or modules to complete to learn more about flying, but for me what shines above all else is Microsoft’s commitment to rendering our world at a level we haven’t seen yet.
GamesBeat August 20, 2020
This game has every reason to grow into something even more special over time. And it’s starting from a position of strength. The game’s appeal is undeniable to a certain kind of person. I’m somewhere between neophyte and sim veteran, and Microsoft Flight Simulator has won me over. It happened when I picked a flight path from a small, grass airfield in Brazil to an airport in Sao Paulo. It feels so good to learn the characteristics of your plane while watching the sunset give away to a purple sheet of stars. And I’m confident that most people will end up feeling the same way if they’re willing to give the game a chance.
Vgames August 21, 2020
Simply put, you are looking at the first next-gen game to come in 2020. Microsoft Flight Simulator is probably the most ambitious, grand and awe-inspiring game of the year - sometimes to it's own detriment.
BaziCenter August 23, 2020
The latest version of Microsoft's Flight Simulator series is without a doubt the finest work by Asobo Studios yet, one that took full advantage of Microsoft's mapping technology to create one of the best games ever. Flight Simulator 2020 takes a huge leap forward in terms of visual technologies and sets a whole new standard for the Simulation genre, and things get even more exciting after Asobo announced that the 2020 version is going to be a huge 10-year project and the game that we have our hands on right now is just the beginning.
Gaming Nexus September 15, 2020
A beautiful experience. Even with the long load times and, overall, feeling that this game is catered to hardcore players, there's no getting around just how gorgeous and fun it truly is.