Minecraft Critic Reviews
63 Total Reviews
61 Positive Reviews(96.8%)
2 Mixed Reviews(3.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Gaming Age
May 7, 2012
All in all, this feels like an excellent port of one of the best PC titles in recent years. If you've missed out on the PC version of the game for whatever reason, do yourself a favor and check this out. And if you're a PC Minecraft veteran, but want to school your console friends on your Minecraft knowledge, then you'll be happy to know that game makes the transition to consoles without a hitch. It's a great port of a great game, and well worth picking up.
Official Xbox Magazine UK
May 7, 2012
4J has turned in an accomplished port, boasting crisp, high-resolution visuals and a reorganised inventory...In terms of console sims, nothing touches it. Minecraft's world is one that everybody should experience.
May 7, 2012
It's very rare to find a game that perfects the minute details of simple actions and turns it into a work of art. What's even more shocking is that there have been games that have been in development for over ten years that don't even come close to the quality of this game, and it's an arcade game at that.
May 10, 2012
Minecraft on the Xbox 360 is just as fun as it is on the PC. The only limitation is your own imagination.
Eurogamer Italy
May 7, 2012
The indie superstar goes on Xbox 360 with a renewed and simplified crafting system, but still faithful to its sandbox philosophy. Only time will tell if the console audience is ready for this kind of games, but this is undoubtedly a very well-crafted porting that keeps the philosophy of the project intact.
May 7, 2012
If you've never played Minecraft before, the Xbox 360 version is by far the easiest to get to grips with.
May 8, 2012
A perfect console porting for the Notch's masterpiece, with the promises of new, free of charge updates.
May 9, 2012
It's a good deal less aimless in this new 360 version, which makes a few notable concessions to accessibility for this notoriously inscrutable game.
Planet Xbox 360
May 10, 2012
What could've been a second-rate PC port for the service is instead a quality addition, one with hours' worth of gameplay, whether going on your own or joining up with friends in the building community. The stuff you can make is only limited by your imagination, and though it takes time, the effort is certainly worth it.
May 11, 2012
In short, Minecraft 360 is a slightly older, self-contained version of Minecraft. It has a deftly handled new user-interface and control scheme, a guided version of the crafting system, a handy tutorial and split-screen co-op; none of which the PC release can offer.
May 12, 2012
Minecraft is an excellent port of the famous PC game. At a glance you'll have a hard time noticing the differences. The Xbox 360 version is way more accessible though thanks to a way clearer crafting system. Veterans should skip this version, because the PC-version boasts many more options.
May 23, 2012
Even though some PC features did not make it to this version, Minecraft on the Xbox 360 is still a game that will have you hooked for months.
X-ONE Magazine UK
June 19, 2012
A masterful piece of contemporary game design and a richly rewarding experience suitable for all ages.
Gaming Nexus
July 13, 2012
Minecraft on the Xbox Live Arcade is an addicting and rewarding experience, assuming you are willing to put the time into the experience. This is one of those games where you will truly get out whatever you put into the game, and that can be both good and bad. If you put in the time and dedication though, you will discover one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences ever.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
July 29, 2012
Slightly simplified compared to the PC version, but still a great conversion of an excellent game. Endless amount of creativity are guaranteed.
May 7, 2012
Is Minecraft unfamiliar to you, yet you don't want to start off into this vast world without any kind of guidance? Then the Xbox-Edition is for you.
May 7, 2012
An unique game, capable of capturing the player's attention for many, many hours. The lack of a more guided and objective-based structure could alienate the less creative and patient players, though.
Cheat Code Central
May 8, 2012
The smaller world size and lack of Adventure Update features mean this is the PC version's little brother rather than an upgrade. Still, you'll lose yourself for hours.