
These are the exact same versions of the Minecraft Movie Trailer that make the official one seem fake

A Minecraft Movie is not right, despite the fact that it will be seen by parents and their hyperactive children, who will fill up Warner Bros' coffers to overflowing. Not just because Jason Momoa appears to be recovering from a week of binge drinking where he robbed Dora the Explorer.

It's Minecraft, for sure. The trailer has creepers, cubes and blocky critters everywhere. It's everything you'd expect to see in the game. It looks more like a slick SNL skit than a trailer for an official film. It's mostly just green screen and famous actors. It's true that most blockbusters are similar, but this one has the air of a non-official adaptation. It makes nods to its source material, without committing.

This has led to a number of animators, and fans, to create a shot-for-shot replica of the trailer in Minecraft or using Minecraft assets and aesthetics. In some cases, the results look more like an official Minecraft Movie Trailer than the original.

There are many, but Alumio’s remake is the most eye catching. It perfectly recreates the trailer, in a style that's 100% Minecraft but with lots and lots of polish.

This trailer highlights how inexpressive Minecraft faces would be for an animated feature. The characters in Minecraft: Story Mode - the episodic adventure video game featuring Patton Oswalt's and Catherine Taber's voices - were more animated, but still not expressive. I don't know if I would want to watch a movie where the actors struggle to emote even at the most basic levels.

QdAndy's version of the trailer makes the cast look more animated. However, this makes them appear less like Minecraft characters. When the trailer focuses on these characters, some authenticity is lost. It's a difficult issue to resolve and may explain why Warner Bros chose to go with live action. It's an impressive effort.

I prefer Cacticrown’s trailer because it was made in-game, rather than an animation that mimicked the game’s look. It's pure Minecraft. The official trailer is missing some elements. The blocky adventurers aren't dressed like their silver screen counterparts and Jack Black's Steve's introduction isn't filled with fire. But it's an impressive effort for someone who claims to be new to making Minecraft video.

Unsurprisingly, the comments are dominated by the idea that Warner Bros would have been better off making a live-action/animation Frankenstein and that these amateur attempts look so much more impressive. I find it hard to disagree with this, but we weren't going to get a Minecraft movie that looked exactly like Minecraft.

Warner Bros won't risk dilution of star power by making Momoa look like a walking cube amalgamation. It's not like Chris Pratt as Mario or Ben Schwartz as Sonic, who are both iconic characters that have been around for decades. You can argue that Steve is at least a known quantity unlike Momoa's characters, but I believe any attempt to match Minecraft perfectly will bump up against the reality that Minecraft's visual aesthetic is kinda ugly.

As I said, it doesn't matter because the kids will go crazy for this nonsense. You may think that your kids have exceptional taste but you are wrong. They'll love it because it looks enough similar to Minecraft for it to pass. A Minecraft Movie was never going to be a hit with adult Minecraft fans. You play Minecraft to build cool stuff, and who wants two hours of watching movie stars painstakingly recreate the Star Destroyer?

Interesting news


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