
Minit Critic Reviews

29 Total Reviews

27 Positive Reviews(93.1%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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PlayStation Universe April 3, 2018
Minit is fresh and unrelentingly charming little action RPG that does more with 60 second bursts of gameplay than bigger budget efforts manage to do with 60 hours. If you're after something truly unique, Minit should be your next stop.
PlayStation LifeStyle April 3, 2018
It’s great because of the way it uses genuinely interesting mechanics to try something new.
RPGamer April 16, 2018
I never felt short-changed by Minit; I simply wanted to play it more, which is a testament to the game's design. It's such a simple, tight formula, but is executed so well that it just feels perfect.
Gaming Nexus April 18, 2018
This is a refreshingly unique take on the old school swords and sorcery genre. The time trial aspect may turn some players off, but it's a challenge that is actually a joy to play.
SpazioGames April 22, 2018
Minit is a great and a little adventure, a short game that can defeat the death.
Gamer.nl April 7, 2018
The graphics may be oldfashioned, but this game offers amazing gameplay. A minute might sound short: it is longer than you might think.
GamePro Germany February 3, 2019
In Minit, retro Zelda charm meets a world as sweet as it is weird, with more incentive to explore minute by minute.
Video Chums April 3, 2018
I had a great time with Minit and really enjoyed its unique time constraint mechanic and interconnected world. A lot of thought went into crafting the quests and secrets and I can easily say that Minit is well worth your time.
GameSpot April 3, 2018
Minit’s lives might only last 60 seconds, but its extremely well-thought-out world design and engrossing loop of progress make it a curse-filled adventure that is worth dying the world over for.
Twinfinite April 3, 2018
Minit’s missteps are the side-effects of its complete focus on a single design mechanic, one which also happens to be the game’s greatest strength. Ultimately, these problems fade into the background, allowing a smart, refreshing and impossibly rewarding gameplay experience to prosper.
Gameblog.fr April 3, 2018
Minit is a real success and shows how well a good idea can work if used wisely. This tiny adventure where death strikes at every minute offers a delightful twist to the 2D adventure genre, by forcing the player to play differently. By being sent to the starting block every minute, Minit feels like a brand new race against the clock which will please every curious gamer out there.
Vandal April 3, 2018
Minit is original and fresh, one of those rare examples of how to make something unique and surprising in video games.
PlayStation Country April 3, 2018
Minit is a short game with a great hook. The sixty second lifespan mechanic is surprisingly fun to get to grips with and the game world oozes charm from the moment it begins. If you are looking for a new hidden gem, then this is the one.
Metro GameCentral April 3, 2018
Minit offers a wonderfully minimalist adventure with not an inch of bloat. Instead, it’s a game where it seems like every tiny detail has been handcrafted and placed in the world only after careful thought from the creators. So while the lifespan of your hero, and the retro visuals, may seem very limiting they help to enable one of the most inventive and imaginative indie games of the year.
Digitally Downloaded April 3, 2018
Minit is a truly special game from Devolver Digital. One of those rare games that executes a new idea in a truly special way. Every sixty second period was a brand-new adventure filled with a sense of wonder.
GameCritics April 6, 2018
One of 2018’s more notable indie releases, worthwhile as a charming homage to retro action/adventure titles and as an ambitious exercise in restrained game design – it’s the world’s most agreeable game, chopped up into a hundred bite-sized pieces. I want to complain that it’s over too quickly, but then Minit makes a constant case for brevity being the soul of wit, so I guess I should shut up.
GameCrate April 7, 2018
It’s a cute concept that will keep you enthralled for well more than 60 seconds.
DualShockers April 12, 2018
Quotation forthcoming.
Easy Allies April 12, 2018
Minit gets the most out of its small package with a charismatic presentation, smart design decisions, and taunting mysteries. And at an opening $10 price tag, it does so without overextending its reach. While Minit pushes you to accomplish your goals in 60-second bursts, you can get lost in its escapades for hours before you even know it.
JeuxActu April 15, 2018
With its minimalist aesthetics, Minit is much deeper than its looks may make you think. Challenging and offering true freedom to the player, this game additionally offers plenty of replay-value.