
Moebius: Empire Rising Critic Reviews

40 Total Reviews

11 Positive Reviews(27.5%)
26 Mixed Reviews(65%)
3 Negative Reviews(7.5%)

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USgamer April 15, 2014
Personally, after enjoying this installment immensely, I'm very much looking forward to seeing what's next, and sincerely hope that between this title and the impending Gabriel Knight remake that we can well and truly see Jensen getting back to doing what she does best on a more regular basis.
Game Over Online April 15, 2014
Overall, Moebius: Empire Rising is an interesting game.
Game Revolution April 15, 2014
Worrisome backers can rest easy with this investment. The intriguing and bromantic tale manages to bring introduce some fresh concepts in the well-established point-and-click genre.
LEVEL (Czech Republic) May 16, 2014
Jane Jensen gave life to a beautiful flower planted into a pile of visual manure. But we all know how good a pile of manure is for growth.
IGN Italia April 15, 2014
If you're a Gabriel Knight fan you shouldn't miss Moebius. It's not perfect, it would have benefited a lot from a bigger budget, but all the Jane Jensen mojo is still there.
Multiplayer.it May 3, 2014
Jane Jensen is back with a metaphysical thriller rich of good texts and locations. Malachi is a great character and its analysis of antiques and personalities are what makes Moebius: Empire Rising stand above many other adventures.
Ragequit.gr May 14, 2014
Moebius: Empire Rising bears a resemblance to an expensive item, like the ones its protagonist values. While initially it seems extremely valuable, even though it comes in a not so beautiful package, in the end it appears to be of not so high value. It's not fake by any means, it's just that it does not correspond to the promises its fame and figure had created.
Pelit (Finland) June 12, 2014
Jane Jensen's newest delivers a deep and compelling storyline, which yet again combines fact with fiction in intriguing ways. Although the script is solid, same can't be said of the technical execution of the game. Buggy graphics and especially lazy puzzle design make Moebius the worst adventure game Jensen's made. It's not a bad game, but it's not something you'd expect from one of the best scriptwriter of the industry.
IncGamers April 16, 2014
Not without its flaws, but very few of those flaws matter too much: Moebius is, on the whole, a well-written and interesting investigation.
GameOver.gr May 2, 2014
While it is plagued with bad animation, lackluster puzzles and other issues, Moebius: Empire Rising can still offer a nice experience thanks to Jensen’s high writing level.
PC Gamer UK June 16, 2014
Despite awkward graphics, it uses classic adventure themes to craft a mystery and a world worth exploring.
Meristation April 16, 2014
After that trick that was Gray Matter, Jane Jensen returns with her first crowdfunding game, Moebius: Empire Rising, that takes us in a very Dan Brown-esque journey through the world in a story very well conceived that falls down towards its climax. Its biggest sin is trying to be as adult and complex as Gabriel Knight, but it ultimately chooses the Nicolas Cage National Treasure's path. Investigation is preferred over puzzles, which are very casual. And it's a shame that the Deduction an Analize mechanic, well designed, ended being tedious instead for some designing elections. Moebius is an entertaining journey, but it seems we'll have to wait for the new chapters to see the whole big potential of Jensen's creature explode with the force it should be exerting in this game.
RPG Fan April 20, 2014
If you like a straightforward plot and don't mind Lovecraftian-like animations.
CD-Action July 23, 2014
Moebius is not bad, but it’s the weakest entry in Jane Jensen’s portfolio and we have every right to demand more from her than just a decent game.
Game Informer April 14, 2014
Moebius is missing a spark — something that makes you want to keep playing. It has a few shining moments with some standout humorous lines, but they're buried in bad dialogue, empty characters, and a dry mystery. Sadly, I don't think people will be talking about Malachi Rector with the esteem they do Gabriel Knight.
GamesBeat April 17, 2014
While you certainly won’t hate your experience, Moebius offers nothing remarkable. You can have better adventures elsewhere.
Digitally Downloaded April 17, 2014
A refreshing experience and well worth the time. If only there were more adventure games of this ilk.
Gamer.no April 25, 2014
Flawed in so many ways, but it still manages to engage and entertain. Jane Jensen-fans will find much to enjoy here.
Kill Screen April 29, 2014
And it wasn’t until later, when I settled down and reflected on the game, that I realized a potential purpose of such mundane tasks in Moebius: Empire Rising: Jane Jensen wants you to feel––not just see––the psychology of Malachi Rector, a man scarred by a family tragedy, and tormented with a genetic gift. If that is indeed the primary purpose, then I applaud Jensen.
On this new Jane Jansen adventure game, we are taking the role of an Antique dealer Malachi Rector, a man with terrible 3D graphics.