
In its Gamescom trailer, Monster Hunter Wilds reveals an electric apex-predator and a horrifying spider

Capcom released a new Monster Hunter Wilds trailer today at Gamescom's Opening Night Live. The trailer features new monsters, a new hub area and well-done steaks.

The trailer opens with hunters discovering an unusual flower in the Scarlet Forest, which leads them to the Lala Barina's lair -- a new temnoceran creature. The Lala Barina, a giant, vampiric spider, pounces down from above, a web of crimson-colored threads. Its front legs have three raking claws and its rear can be extended with a thorny stinger. When the Lala Barina is angry, its abdomen can bloom into a flower formation. It can then scatter paralytic flowers. It sounds like a nightmare. I can't wait until I fight it.

We get our first glimpse of the hub area that we will be returning to in Wilds between hunts. It's a "interim camp" built to protect a desert village from the sun. I'm happy to report that felyne is cooking in a kitchen. I can't wait to see their cooking cutscene.

Rey Dau is introduced as a flying wyvern with lightning-charged wings. This wyvern seems to be the source of the desert storms that we've seen so far in Wilds previews. Rey Dau, the region's top predator, attacks with sweeping strikes to its wings, tail and bull-like ears, creating lightning strikes wherever its strikes connect. It can also snap its horns around its face together to trigger an explosive lightning bolt so intense that the desert sand is turned into glass.

After a montage showing hunters battling new monsters with their palico comrades the trailer ends with a ritual that will be familiar to any experienced monster hunter. The grilling of a well done steak, triumphantly raised over the hunter’s head. So tasty, indeed.

Capcom will host developer livestreams all week long to bring you more Monster Hunter. The streams will feature "live Wilds gaming, community questions, and more" at 4 AM PT every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Monster Hunter Wilds is scheduled to release in 2025.

Interesting news


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