moon: Remix RPG Adventure Critic Reviews
21 Total Reviews
18 Positive Reviews(85.7%)
3 Mixed Reviews(14.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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October 28, 2020
Moon is not only a great game, but an important piece of video game history that has clearly influenced Japanese developers and even the modern indie scene through games like Toby Fox’s Undertale. On a personal level, I found Moon a delightful experience that continues to hold my heart captive, and I feel justified in calling it a masterpiece. Relatable, smart, funny, and powerful, Moon is everything I wanted it to be during all those years of waiting and more.
RPG Site
September 10, 2020
Genre defining works rarely stand the test of time, but moon is a rare exception to this rule. It not only holds up today, but is probably still one of the best “anti-games” out there. In addition to a quirky sense of self-awareness you’d come to expect from this genre, there’s a raw authenticity that makes it stand out among the rest. It understands its own simplicity and scale, and tells a story that fits exactly what it sets out to do. The ending isn’t bombastic in any way, but the experience is simple enough to benefit the obtuse storytelling. moon a great game that is unapologetic about the flaws in a way that feels earnest, which is hard to say about almost any other game trying to achieve that.
October 1, 2020
For players accustomed to modern affordances and styles of play, Moon may be a challenge to get into. Its graphics, a mix of Claymation-esque renders and spritework, have not been updated, and neither have the more tedious aspects of its gameplay. Even so, there’s something moving about inhabiting this world, loving the weird denizens, and bringing them what happiness we can. And isn’t that the way it should be? If goodness and love win, shouldn’t they win with goodness and love?
Digital Chumps
September 4, 2020
Moon's commentary on the nature of its hero, expressed not only through its narrative but also its entire suite of mechanics, is its toolbox for deconstructing the template of the JRPG. Learning it's a long-lost game from 1997, operating with the inescapable sentimentality and eccentricity of the modern indie scene, underscores how long it took the rest of the world to reach places Moon had already been. Even with its anachronisms, Moon is a surprising novelty.
September 11, 2020
Overall, the overwhelming majority of my time with Moon was whimsical and memorable. I enjoyed the remixed take on the traditional RPG and the meta-commentary it provides. Exploring the world and uncovering its intricacies in the quest for love was enthralling when it wasn’t revolving around waiting for something to happen. I love so much of Moon, but the barrier for entry could be high for some as it definitely requires an instruction manual and maybe a visit to a guide or FAQ. That being said, it’s a pleasure to be able to experience this 23-year-old game in English after all these years, even if it aged a bit.
August 31, 2020
Moon is going to be a hard sell for a lot of people, as it's hard to get across just how bizarre and unique it is. It has its frustrating moments and the fact that the developers have asked fans on Twitter to seek out the manual for the game is telling, as it comes from an era where nothing is explained. Once the player comes to terms with the annoying parts and things start to click, they will find a game that's strange, engaging, and unforgettable all at once, with a story that may change how people look at RPGs in the future.
September 4, 2020
Unique and charming, moon is an experience not for everyone, but who dares to go beyond its learning curve is going to find a gem beneath the surface.
September 9, 2020
Moon may look dated and its mechanics and puzzles can be obtuse as hell compared to what you might expect in 2020. Stick with it however and it’s one of the most charming and unusual RPGs you can play that’s just as influential and relevant as ever.
September 10, 2020
With a bit of good old determination, however, Moon's flaws and frustrations are easily overcome. Despite being almost 25 years old, Moon remains a thoughtful, beautiful experience that has a lot to say about the static nature of video games, how the way stories are presented affects our perceptions of reality, the rewarding nature of kindness and stewardship, and how simply being a part of the world makes us important and valuable. I don't think I'll forget my experience in Moon World anytime soon, and should you embark on this journey and see it through to its conclusion, I doubt you will, either.
September 14, 2020
Although it sometimes pushes the boundaries of adventurous puzzle solving too far, venturing into occasionally absurd degrees of vagueness, moon has generally stood the test of time, managing to still provide an inspired and novel romp through a perplexing world of quirky characters even after two decades.
Video Chums
September 15, 2020
Playing Moon: Remix RPG Adventure nowadays cemented my notion that some games are truly timeless and it's quite funny, too.
September 16, 2020
There are times I loved Moon. I really enjoyed training Tao and adore my Gramby. I liked talking to and reviving flowers. There were also times when I felt completely lost and flummoxed, wondering what it is I was supposed to do. I admire what Moon does and think Onion Games should be commended for bringing it to a wider audience. It’s an important piece of history. Though, while time spent with it won’t be a waste and I think even people who don’t “get” it could find things to appreciate and love about it, it is admittedly not for everyone. Still, those curious should absolutely investigate it, spend a lot of time learning about it from its manual, and maybe give it a chance.
Pure Nintendo
October 6, 2020
Through and through, Moon is the anti-RPG. It’s a satirical stab at the RPG genre. While it could have been better with a more updated look, I still find this game innovative and fresh even by today’s standards. It’s cute and funny and fun to play. If you’re looking for a laid-back RPG, this is it. Moon is a title that reviews can’t do justice to; it has to be played to really appreciate what the developers were trying to do.
January 27, 2021
It's been a long wait for western audiences to get their hands on Moon and for the most part, it's been a wait worth taking. The initial hours are certainly going to put off gamers looking for a normal RPG experience but for the more patient, unlocking the full potential of what is on offer here is going to be extremely rewarding. Around every corner is a mystery wrapped up in a Mr E. Nygma presented in a gorgeous style only found in the games of the decade it was originally released in. Lose yourself in the world and characters, be helpful to anything and anyone and ensure that a world can be saved not through a fully levelled titan but with the power of love and cookies.
September 4, 2020
Every time Moon would lose me with its constant waiting around or head-scratching puzzle solutions, it would win me back with its humor, characters, writing, and music. This is a game that exudes joy, and while I wasn't always having fun playing it, I am grateful that I at least got the chance to experience it.
Nintendo Life
September 5, 2020
Whether or not Moon is for you ultimately depends upon your tolerance level for aspects of late '90s game design and your overall interest in the RPG genre. As a standalone product, Moon has plenty of amusing commentary about RPGs, but much of this is likely to be lost on those who don’t much care for them. Strip away the satire, and you’re left with a mostly entertaining but somewhat simplistic point-and-click-style adventure laden with fetch quests. We’d give Moon a recommendation to those who are fascinated by its legendary status as a niche classic or to those who really enjoyed the narrative style of Undertale, but if you don’t fit into either of those groups, this might not be for you.
September 16, 2020
If Moon sounds like an innovative, ahead-of-its-time game, well, it is. I can honestly say I’ve never played a game quite like Moon. You can definitely see the influences to Undertale in the lack of a battle system, the skewering of RPG tropes, and emphasis on non-violence. I would recommend that classic RPG fans check it out, if only to see what the fuss is about. For everyone else, I think that the oddity of the gameplay and the old school mechanics might make this one a tough sell, but it’s worth your time if you are looking for something different.
Edge Magazine
October 8, 2020
Assuming its most patience-testing proclivities don't put you off, there's a good chance it'll capture your heart.
September 28, 2020
Moon is often slow and frustratingly illogical. But look past the wrinkles of this long-forgotten game and you'll discover an adventure game that was in some ways way ahead of its time.
Nintendo Force Magazine
April 28, 2021
Frustrations and rare moments of disgust aside, moon is an unusual experiment in RPG parody/deconstruction that deserves to at least be sampled.