Moto Racer 4 Critic Reviews
11 Total Reviews
1 Positive Reviews(9.1%)
9 Mixed Reviews(81.8%)
1 Negative Reviews(9.1%)
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IGN Sweden
November 18, 2016
Moto Racer 4 is a game that demands a lot from the player both in terms of patience and dexterity, its graphics are not the best and the hyped VR mode is somewhat of a bad joke. But if you can ignore the forgettable heavy metal soundtrack and can appreciate the gameplay consisting of challenges instead of regular races, you have a lot to do here. Should you prefer to burn rubber around in circles though, is not the game for you. However, if you love twitchy arcade racers and like to challenge yourself, you should definitely pick up Moto Racer 4.
November 8, 2016
Another generic arcade racer fun but forgettable in every way.
November 18, 2016
It does a few things right, but it also fails to build an engaging experience, feeling basic and repetitive. Still, if you really love the genre, it can be fun.
December 13, 2016
Arcade through and through, yet ancient physics, weird design choices and a faulty VR-mode ultimately lead this brave attempt at rebooting a franchise to an early grave.
November 17, 2016
Even with fairly decent driving gameplay and a somewhat unique career progression system, Moto Racer 4 simply doesn’t do enough to wow veteran racing game fans or woo in newcomers who might be tempted to put pedal to the metal.
December 19, 2016
Moto Racer 4 is the return of a franchise. The game starts out nicely, but quickly loses its charm. The same tracks keep returning and the career mode is no career mode. And with the illogical elements in the game it's no more than a mediocre racer.
February 13, 2017
Moto Racer 4 is a prime example of a missed opportunity. The gameplay is enjoyable in small bursts, but it’s packaged in such a terrible way that it becomes hard to recommend even to longtime fans of the series. With some extra polish and a different structure it could’ve been a surprisingly fun throwback package, but in its current state it reeks of being rushed to release.
Digitally Downloaded
November 15, 2016
Moto Racer 4 is not a bad game, but it is a shallow, arcade motorcycle racer. It might be perfectly serviceable, and average racer that is fun enough in short spurts, but it really doesn't do enough to separate itself from the racing pack in any meaningful or memorable way either.
November 18, 2016
More of a mobile game than a successor to the famous racing franchise of the previous decade.
PlayStation Country
November 9, 2016
This feels like a great disappointment. Moto Racer 4’s budget upbringing can do little to forgive the twitchy handling and tough career objectives. For an arcade racer, fun moments are in short supply and fans of the series might want to avoid this. There’s challenge and frustration in abundance but the core racing doesn’t excite me.