
Motocross Madness (2013) Critic Reviews

29 Total Reviews

24 Positive Reviews(82.8%)
5 Mixed Reviews(17.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Console Monster May 7, 2013
The campaign could be a little longer and as said above more tracks is a must if they make a sequel, but for right now if you do buy this game you’ll walk away knowing that it’s been 800 points well spent.
Game Over Online April 11, 2013
Overall, Motocross Madness is a game that plays really well but suffers from some cosmetic flaws and an underwhelming soundtrack. Still, the core gameplay is outstanding and well worth the $10 price tag.
IGN April 19, 2013
With its richly drawn multi-path riding environments, user-friendly physics, and engaging gameplay options, this is a full package of motorcycle racing goodness that rivals many full-priced retail games.
Game Revolution April 10, 2013
If you're looking for a fun, light-hearted racer that will give you countless hours of fun, I highly suggest you give Microsoft's arcade-y racer a look.
Official Xbox Magazine UK April 12, 2013
So much content has been wrung out of this game that there's even a reward for the number of miles you bail out of jumps. That's right: you get rewarded for not being very good. Basically, if you don't enjoy this game you're probably dead from the waist down.
GameWatcher April 19, 2013
As I said at the start. Motocross Madness is a whole lot of fun. It's not without its problems, and it is a bit rough around the edges, but none of that matters. It's just fun. If you can scrounge up some mates multiplayer is a great laugh too.
GameOver.gr April 25, 2013
It has nothing to do with the PC games of old, but this Avatar edition of Motocross Madness is as fun as an arcade racing game can be.
XGN April 27, 2013
Motocross Madness doesn't score many points on the audio-visual presentation. The game does, however, in the gameplay. And in that case it scores big. Many different game modes with maps that provide you with countless sidetracks and an expansive reward system, are only a few features Motocross Madness has to offer. This game will set you back ten bucks, and we promise you those bucks will be damn well spent.
Multiplayer.it May 10, 2013
The "new" Motocross Madness is not... Motocross Madness. This arcade game looks fun and enjoyable whit the use of avatars but probably too easy in a long term. Still worth the (low) price if played with friends online or, better, in local multiplayer.
COGconnected April 16, 2013
Overall there is enough fun here to justify a purchase, and besides, its kind of fun to watch your avatar take to the air on a motorcycle pulling off some crazy stunts.
Official Xbox Magazine April 10, 2013
You'll ace every event in a handful of hours without much difficulty, and only the truly obsessive will pocket every collectible. But just ten bucks buys at least a few afternoons of enjoyable airborne antics.
GameSpot April 18, 2013
Motocross Madness is an enjoyable feature-packed dirt bike racer with boisterous offline and online components.
Critical Hit April 23, 2013
It’s not a complicated or really in-depth title but it is an incredible amount of fun and something that is great for those 15 (45) minutes that you have spare while the wife or girlfriend is getting ready to go out.
MondoXbox April 24, 2013
An immediate and entertaining game, but too far from the original concept. Something more akin to Joy Ride than the 1998 Motocross Madness.
CD-Action May 13, 2013
I treated Motocross Madness with reserve but then spent half the night with it enjoying its pleasant driving model and nice visuals but also wishing it had more content.
LevelUp April 15, 2013
Motocross Madness lacks in terms of handling and the track design could be better, but it makes up for all that with fun races, fast progression and over the top tricks that you can easily pull off.
Games Master UK May 30, 2013
One of XBLA's better racers.
Gamereactor Sweden April 12, 2013
Master Chief on a bike, racing your ugly avatars? Yep, it works.
Vandal April 24, 2013
It's just a simple arcade game, far from perfect, long or special, but it delivers what it promises: motocross and madness. And yeah, some fun too.
Eurogamer Italy April 26, 2013
A motocross game like many others, with a good graphic, a simple and not so rewarding handling but with a multiplayer that is still capable to offer a good amount of fun.