
Motorstorm RC Critic Reviews

39 Total Reviews

35 Positive Reviews(89.7%)
4 Mixed Reviews(10.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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PSFocus February 27, 2012
We actually find it hard to come up with any complaints about Motorstorm RC. On the contrary, we feel like we've stolen this game. An extremely low price for a visually strong and extremely addictive racing game? You won't find a better deal anywhere soon.
TheSixthAxis February 20, 2012
At just under five quid it's extraordinarily good value, there's lots of game here and the trophies hint at at least two new festival bundles, potentially expanding what's already a considerably beefy game into one that might threaten to make the rest of the line-up obsolete for some time...I love this game.
VideoGamer February 23, 2012
Of all the Vita launch titles, MotorStorm RC is the most natural fit for short gaming sessions. It's ideal to jump into for a few minutes, but that doesn't prevent it from being a huge timesink once its hooks are in.
Push Square February 28, 2012
A staggering title: not only is it a successful test bed for one of the PlayStation Vita's most promising features, but it's also a cunningly addictive game in its own right.
Eurogamer Sweden March 2, 2012
There is really no reason not to buy MotorStorm RC on Vita; the price tag is merely 5 euros and if you are in the least interested in racing and just a tiny bit competitive you will have many hours of fun. This is mobile arcade racing as it is supposed to be.
Eurogamer Portugal March 21, 2012
MotorStorm RC is an instant passion and one of the most pleasurable games for PlayStation Vita.
Hyper Magazine April 12, 2012
It's a mess of fun at a fraction of the price of a full Vita title. Insanity. Get into it.
Games Master UK April 4, 2012
Simple, no-nonsense racer that's the most bargainalicious PS Vita game yet.
IGN February 20, 2012
It's by no means perfect – the inclusion of proper online multiplayer would've added another point – but you'd be hard-pushed to find a game as good as this for the price. If Motorstorm RC is an indication of the kind of quality gaming Vita will offer at such an attractive price then maybe Vita does have what it takes to stay the distance.
Multiplayer.it March 5, 2012
MotorStorm RC is a very nice top-down racer, with plenty of tracks and events, a fun gameplay and well-implemented social aspects. All for a bargain.
NZGamer March 9, 2012
Clearly limited time has been spent on the tracks and vehicles, due to budgetary and download size constraints perhaps, and it shows.
PSX Extreme March 12, 2012
The control is good (if a tiny bit loose), the tracks are well designed and challenging, the different events mean you can always stay diverse, and the various vehicle classes do indeed have a major impact on your racing. I'm not the biggest fan of any of the camera angles (although I eventually stuck with the top-down one), and the production isn't as slick as I might've expected, but…The game is fun. Simple.
MotorStorm Artic Edge was a decent PSP game, but failed to capture the awe inspiring violence the franchise is known for. So making MotorStorm RC a top-down racer was an incredibly smart move. Especially since everything else still feels like MotorStorm: the music, the menus, ...
3DJuegos February 27, 2012
Motorstorm makes its debut on PS Vita with an excellent game.
Play UK April 17, 2012
For under a fiver you get the game on both PS Vita and PS3, too, which is reason enough to buy it.
Level7.nu February 23, 2012
Motorstorm makes its debut on Playstation Vita and a lot has changed from the earlier console games. Instead of real vehicles you get to drive RC cars in short, fast races. Motorstorm RC fits the portable format perfectly but why is there no multiplayer?!
Digital Spy February 23, 2012
Who would have thought that a budget digital title would actually outshine some of the big guns of the PS Vita launch lineup? It's the perfect amalgamation of old and new that will please MotorStorm fans and the nostalgia brigade alike.
Metro GameCentral February 26, 2012
The most enjoyable MotorStorm game by far and arguably the best game on the PS Vita - or at the very least the best value for money.
Eurogamer February 27, 2012
It's an absurd bargain. With online multiplayer, it would be a miniature classic. As it is, it's recommended for PS3 owners, all but essential if you have a Vita - and for lovers of RC cars or top-down racing, it's a rare treat.
Everyeye.it February 28, 2012
Motorstorm is a game relatively limited, but capable of giving immense fun at an affordable price.