Muse Dash Critic Reviews
11 Total Reviews
8 Positive Reviews(72.7%)
3 Mixed Reviews(27.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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June 24, 2019
Muse Dash is an incredibly addictive rhythm game, especially if you're a fan of Japanese music. The cute characters and visuals match the overall anime-like tone of the game. Tons of songs to choose from will keep you busy for a good chunk of time, especially if you aim to do everything.
God is a Geek
June 27, 2019
Easy to pick up, hard to put down. Muse Dash is a brilliant slice of musical goodness.
October 2, 2019
Muse Dash is an entertaining rhythm game that forces the player to constantly act. The notes coming your way aren't for the faint of heart, and there are challenges to keep you looking ahead. The music selection and various options are quite impressive, too, even if I wouldn't dare touch Master difficulty for the life of me. While the progression system is mostly sound, I feel that the grind towards stat-altering costumes is somewhat harsh. In addition, the English text lines could have used a little more editing. Those points aside, this is the most complete experience of Muse Dash yet with a constant stream of updates in the pipeline.
IGN Japan
August 1, 2019
By combining endless-runner elements to what is at its core a rhythm game, Muse Dash becomes an exhilarating experience. Its pop visuals make it look more appealing to casual gamers, while the included tracks are tuned towards the a more traditional rhythm game audience.
June 28, 2019
Muse Dash is an exceptional rhythm/action game that thrives on the Nintendo Switch. It takes advantage of the Switch in terms of the variety of ways to control and experience the game. Finely tuned gameplay is surrounded by a charismatic world that features a sizeable catalog of fun and exciting music.
July 2, 2019
Muse Dash offers enough quality content to keep rhythm game fans busy for a long time.
Video Chums
July 29, 2019
If you enjoy energetic Asian pop music then Muse Dash is full of fantastic tracks that you can enjoy with intuitive rhythm gameplay.
June 23, 2019
Muse Dash is another great rhythm game on the Switch eShop. Its presentation is beautiful, and the game is full of color and personality. The difficulty scales very well too. However, not everyone will like the music collection and I felt there should've been a bit more variety.
July 5, 2019
Muse Dash is a fun game that is very simplistic in design. For having not listened to really any Japanese music outside of anime, I ran into a fair amount of tracks that I really enjoyed that I could see myself going back to playing just to give it another listen. At $29.99, I personally think that Muse Dash is a bit steep in price but there is a decent sized catalog of songs to keep you preoccupied and master. Muse Dash has a nice art style with great colors but it also likely isn’t a game for everyone. For those that are into this genre of gaming and music, Muse Dash might be one to look into.
July 18, 2019
Putting the weirdness of the character skins to one side, is Muse Dash worth playing? If you can pick it for a couple of quid, sure. The mechanics are intriguing, the music is alright and there’s a fair amount or replayability, given the huge collection of songs available too. If you really want to collect all of the skins, there are a fair few to choose from, but too many of them will get you odd looks on your commute to work.
Edge Magazine
July 20, 2019
Bonkers, yes. But Muse Dash soon becomes baffling in less endearing ways.