
My Memory of Us Critic Reviews

17 Total Reviews

15 Positive Reviews(88.2%)
2 Mixed Reviews(11.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Nintendojo January 29, 2019
Pundits continue to debate the merits of video games as an art form, and My Memory of Us is yet another strong argument for what the industry can do at its best. My Memory of Us is the rare game that feels important, while also providing an engaging experience. It’s tragic that we need reminders of what the Jewish people went through but, in a time when many Americans don’t know the history of the Holocaust, it’s wonderful to have a game that encourages learning in a new and interesting way. Sometimes knowing how to solve each puzzle can be a little frustrating, and the game does have some occasional slowdown, but these are minor quibbles, at best. My Memory of Us is an unmissable experience.
GameSpace January 24, 2019
A fantastic blend of storytelling interwoven with enjoyable puzzles, intelligent stealth mechanics and refreshing cooperative player-controlled play. This one is recommended for all adventure gamers and the elegant story-telling voiced by Patrick Stewart just sweetens the deal.
Nintendo Enthusiast January 24, 2019
I have to say, I really enjoyed My Memory of Us. It manages to tell a challenging story that reflects the Holocaust and concentration camps, all while maintaining a youthful innocence and focusing on the fun the characters are having together. The music is great and the narration is top-notch. It’s a game that has stayed with me for the last couple of days since I completed it. I will certainly be keeping an eye on Juggler Games to see what they do in the future.
GameGrin April 5, 2019
My Memory of Us is a thoroughly rewarding game from various angles. The narrative is engrossing and touching, the gameplay is challenging and engaging, and the artistic style is glorious yet understated. It tackles a difficult subject but does so with care and the end result is a game that only further enhances the already deeply impressive Nintendo Switch catalogue.
New Game Network February 14, 2019
Considering its length, My Memory Of Us is a tad overpriced, but the game itself proves a charming magnificent puzzler that tugs at both your brain and your heart strings.
NintendoWorldReport January 24, 2019
What I appreciated most about My Memory of Us was the positive overtone and message of the power of friendship during the worst of times. It takes courage to tell a story that mirrors the holocaust, and developer Juggler Games does a fine job of highlighting the hope and determination of two friends fighting against all odds.
Video Chums February 3, 2019
My Memory of Us is a beautiful game that recalls real world history through a child's eyes which in turn, makes it a more poignant tale.
COGconnected February 5, 2019
Through effective storytelling and creative puzzles, My Memory of Us did an excellent job of retelling horrible events that took place through strong and imaginative analogies. The topic was no doubt a dark and heavy one, but the game was able to successfully highlight the love, support, and care people had for one another during these troubling times. While the length of the game was a little on the short side, My Memory of Us was a powerful story with enjoyable puzzles that has left an impact regardless of its length.
XGN January 31, 2019
My Memory of Us shows the harsh reality of World War II. It has a beautiful artstyle and great music as well. It's a shame the controls get in the way some times as the puzzels make the game worth playing.
The Daily Dot January 24, 2019
Striking black-and-white visuals looks great on the Switch’s handheld screen, and the vibrant sound design often reveals hidden clues and cues. My Memory of Us stands out as an accessible throwback, and it commits fully to its message. This journey won’t take you very long to complete, but it’s one worth seeing through to the end.
Vooks January 24, 2019
Like Valiant Hearts, this game is tough to put a score to. Games like this tell important stories and attempt to use video games as a medium to help educate as well as share experiences from devastating wars. My Memory of Us does a good job of retelling and reimagining the Nazi occupation of Poland. It falters at points, especially the moments when the game around the story is frustrating. Yet it’s hard to ignore the visual style they’ve chosen, coupled with an affecting soundtrack.
The Digital Fix February 4, 2019
An aesthetically charming adventure with an important message, if you can tolerate the occasionally mundane game play.
Switch Player March 11, 2019
My Memory of Us will perhaps be better remembered for its visuals than its gameplay, owing to some frustrating controls. It’s good enough to warrant a place in your Switch collection, though.
FNintendo March 21, 2019
My Memory of Us does not follow the typical story-telling mechanisms and it dares to venture into a background plot that not many games would step into. Its original and unusual story-telling make this a rather unique effort which might not be the most exciting for players looking for a thrilling challenge but it does a very good job at delivering a unique experience.
Worth Playing August 22, 2019
My Memory of Us feels like a game that is fighting with itself. On the one hand, the story is wonderful. Even though some players may not like the attempts to dull the harshness of the real stories, it remains a hopeful tale where the horrors can still be understood by those willing to look beyond the surface level. On the other hand, the frustration felt by the sometimes-unresponsive controls can obscure the message, as the controls can make even the simplest of things feel more frustrating. This is still a title worth checking out, but only if you're patient enough to withstand a control scheme that is at odds with the challenges in place.
Gaming Age November 26, 2019
If you really focus on the narrative, I don’t think you’ll necessarily draw the same conclusions that My Memory of Us wants you to draw. It’s a well-intentioned, well-made game that tries to convey the horrors of genocide — but, in the process of doing that, may just accidentally minimize them.
DarkStation January 31, 2019
By its nature, a game trivializes its subject matter to some degree, no matter how seriously the subject is presented. One could argue that making any kind of game relating to the Holocaust is bad mojo, but on the other hand, it might engender some awareness of history and My Memory of Us —made by a Polish developer—obviously comes from a sincere place and not crass commercialism. Philosophy and aesthetic arguments aside, where My Memory of Us both occasionally succeeds but equally often stumbles is in its puzzles and gameplay and mechanics.