
New Tales from the Borderlands Critic Reviews

62 Total Reviews

38 Positive Reviews(61.3%)
21 Mixed Reviews(33.9%)
1 Negative Reviews(1.6%)

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COGconnected October 20, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands is immensely entertaining, exceptionally well written, and acted with pitch-perfect attention to character. I wish the action wasn’t so restricted to quick-time events, because a full-on action game with such quality of humor and characters would be a hands-down GOTY contender. After replaying the original Tales from the Borderlands, it was obvious how much the new game improves on the first. Any gamer that appreciates great writing, fully dimensional characters, and a wide gamut of humor will love New Tales from the Borderlands.
Twinfinite October 20, 2022
If you love the previous game or just are really craving a good giggle, New Tales from the Borderlands is most definitely a must-play title for you in 2022. I happily give this one a rating of 4 and a half skateboards out of 5.
TierraGamer October 23, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands is a charismatic game that will keep you entertained even with hours of "nonactivity moments." Its graphics and sound design, along with sophisticated characters, will make you live a high-level gaming experience.
Checkpoint Gaming October 20, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands could have played it safe by using characters from the well-established universe that people know and love. However, Gearbox Quebec’s decision to create a whole new bunch of ragtag characters that connect so clearly with Borderland’s existing humour, art style, and lore has really paid off. New Tales from the Borderlands isn’t a gameplay-heavy game, but the visuals, narrative, and the way the character’s personalities are so well-developed kept me riveted and surprised. With what Gearbox has created here, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see even Newer Tales From The Borderlands in the future.
MGG October 20, 2022
The new Tales from the Borderlands, but keeps the Telltale spirit and dives into the crazy world of Borderlands with an effective, permanent, offbeat and enjoyable humor. We will certainly criticize the game's perfectible technique as well as its lack of real player involvement and challenge, but that's nothing compared to the moments of anthology it offers us. The characters not only have depth, but they are also beautifully interpreted. The game is full of funny situations, and many of its lines could become mythical. It is a real success in its genre.
New Tales from the Borderlands” takes a lot of what made Telltale’s gameplay unique and either keeps it the same or improves on it.
Player 2 October 20, 2022
A well-scribbled note in the margins of the Borderlands universe, that should elicit a chortle or two from anyone still drawing breath.
Everyeye.it October 20, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands has amused us, excited us, even moved us at times (rarely eh, don't think you will get depressed!). To say that he never takes himself seriously would be a mistake, given that behind a shattered facade and at times jester characters in constant, deliberate and theatrical over acting hides an evidently remarkable study. The final result, whether in the form of direct narration, multiple choice questions, QTE or other is not always perfect but in general we are facing a more than successful revival of the expansive operation for the Borderlands universe that has begun. with the first Tales from, full of well-distributed quotes that will make RPG fans and enthusiasts very happy.
Atomix October 20, 2022
You don't need to know everything about the Borderlands franchise to enjoy this installment, since it remains an independent plot from what is seen in the main games. And for those who are already familiar, it is clear that they will enjoy it more because of all the winks and references that they will find along the way.
Digital Trends October 20, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands risked ruining this series by focusing on a completely different set of characters and not really following up its predecessor at all. Thankfully, Gearbox Montreal proved that the Borderlands universe is still full of unique and interesting stories to tell, whether it does so in a first-person shooter or narrative adventure game format.
GamesHub October 20, 2022
As a slower-paced story, it lacks the action and zaniness of its predecessor – but by opting for a quieter, more intimate tale, New Tales from the Borderlands carves out a deeply heartfelt, character-driven adventure that highlights the power and potential of friendship in a barren land.
Hardcore Gamer October 20, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands doesn’t top the amazement of the original game. That still doesn’t stop it from delivering an impressive adventure game in its own right, however, filled with an enjoyable story about family, a lot of great bits of comedy, a deeper look into different parts of the Borderlands universe, and of course, the sheer joy that is L0U13.
God is a Geek October 20, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands is a worthy successor to Telltale's magnum opus, with great writing and an engaging story.
Screen Rant October 20, 2022
Those who are willing to wholeheartedly embrace New Tales From The Borderlands' ridiculous premise and larger-than-life cast are sure to enjoy a satisfying, meaningful experience.
WellPlayed October 20, 2022
With a narrative that offers more hits than misses, New Tales From The Borderlands is a modern, gorgeous glimpse into what the nobodies of the Borderlands universe get up to on their shittiest days.
GamesRadar+ October 20, 2022
Simultaneously both full of heart and unapologetically in-your-face, it takes everything you loved about its predecessor whilst gently – almost invisibly – buffing the things you didn't like so much, too. What a treat.
PC Games October 20, 2022
New Tales from the Borderlands is a coherent adventure game that manages to convey the wit and charm of the Borderlands universe. Also because the game doesn't take itself, its universe and video games in general too seriously. As gamers, we quickly warmed up to the excellently written protagonists and rooted for them as they tried to master the imponderables of their adventure. However, the developers could have done a bit more with gameplay and scope.
GamingBolt October 20, 2022
New Tales from the the Borderlands delivers an entertaining sequel worthy of the Borderlands name, but doesn’t take enough risks to evolve the format.
Comicbook.com October 21, 2022
At about 10 hours, New Tales from the Borderlands is a solid successor to the first title under Telltale, and its story has all the right emotional beats. I cannot count the number of laughs the episodes drew from me, but towards the end, the game's uneven pacing was hard to ignore. Paired with its stale quick-time events, there is more New Tales from the Borderlands to improve on, but this sequel is a step in the right direction.
Hooked Gamers December 6, 2022
The team at Gearbox have done a wonderful job of recreating the adventure game style that Telltale has perfected. The introduction of the mini-games does provide for change of pace, but they do detract from the flow of the story. However, the trademark Borderlands art style and humour together with the wonderfully diverse set of characters and well told narrative makes New Tales from the Borderlands a must for fans of Borderlands and adventure games.