December 22, 2004

NFL Street 2

NFL Street 2
Based on 44 Reviews
Release date
December 22, 2004
Single-player, Multiplayer


Get ready for more fancy moves, new modes, and online play in the sequel to NFL Street. Now you can jump 15 feet high to make catches off the wall, dive into the end zone, or pull off wild jukes. You can master these new abilities in seven new game modes, including "crush the carrier" and "own the city." Create your own player, master new skills, and hit the streets both offline and online.

NFL Street 2 Trailer

Critic Reviews44

My favorite mode is still the one where you must pick your team from a random group of players and go at and opponent in the same situation – putting square pegs in round holes has never been as much fun in the NFL.
May 8, 2024
Game play in the first NFL Street hampered on the difficulty on playing defense. This has all been fixed in NFL Street 2 as there are a larger amount of both offence and defensive plays that not only give you a chance of catching a player off guard for the easy score, but for that quick sack as well.
May 8, 2024
While the new single-player gameplay modes are nice additions, they still end up being too repetitive over the long haul. Multiplayer is the strength of NFL Street 2 and can make for some heated matches.
May 8, 2024

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