
Nick Bounty and the Dame with the Blue Chewed Shoe Critic Reviews

2 Total Reviews

1 Positive Reviews(50%)
1 Mixed Reviews(50%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Adventure Gamers April 24, 2020
After two freeware warm-ups, Nick Bounty returns for his first commercial outing, this time picking up a sidekick to help him solve a baffling murder. Don’t expect much in the way of challenge, but the comedy and production values make for an entertaining couple of hours.
The Indie Game Website April 1, 2020
Nick Bounty And The Dame With The Chewed Blue Shoe is a stereotypical comedy video game where it often references itself and other games or breaks the fourth wall with a wink to the camera so emphatic, it could make Borderlands blush – which may be just your thing.