
Ninja Gaiden 3 Critic Reviews

43 Total Reviews

12 Positive Reviews(27.9%)
28 Mixed Reviews(65.1%)
3 Negative Reviews(7%)

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When it comes to action, Team Ninja pulls out all the stops. One moment you're jumping out of a C-130, ripping apart Apache helicopters, pile driving K9 bloodhounds into the concrete. The other, you're escaping an exploding lab, being chased by a T-Rex.
Metro GameCentral March 18, 2012
An impressively courageous reboot that channels the hard-edged heart of the series while discarding its more antagonistic baggage.
Ninja Gaiden 3 isn't just a great hack-'n'-slash action game, it's a great Ninja Gaiden game.
PSM3 Magazine UK April 9, 2012
Best Gaiden yet, but not as accomplished as Bayonetta. It is less hardcore than previous games, making solo play enjoyable, but the online is a misstep.
Hyper Magazine April 12, 2012
By far the most thoughtful game in the series and also the most accessible. Is that a good thing? I obviously think so; purists may beg to differ.
Gamer.nl April 14, 2012
Ninja Gaiden 3 abandons its predecessors completely and draws its own plan. This is an in-your-face spectacle, which is very accessible and lets players randomly hit buttons until their fingers go numb. Does that make this game bad? No. It does well enough on its own terms. But fans beware: this is not the Ninja Gaiden you remember.
3DJuegos March 19, 2012
Ninja Gaiden 3 offers fast-paced ninja action, though it's not as breathtaking as the originals.
AusGamers March 22, 2012
Ninja Gaiden isn't a perfect experience, but it's accessible for newcomers and boasts an addictive gameplay formula that goes a long way to forgiving its detractors.
Gamereactor Sweden March 18, 2012
Ninja Gaiden 3 almost plays itself sometimes and generously gives you life and help throughout the adventure. Even if many old Ninja Gaiden fans most likely will feel betrayed, this third installment offers entertaining and fast-paced ninja action that stands on its own merits.
Solo play is as forgettable as it is fun, then, but there's a razor-sharp silver lining in the form of multiplayer.
For those expecting a Tarantino-like exploration of the consequences of being a bad person, you're looking at the wrong series. It didn't take long for us to realise that Ninja Gaiden 3 has more cheese than a fondue party, but it works in the favour of this frantic over-the-top hack-and-slash title.
JeuxActu April 18, 2012
Tecmo wants to seduce a new audience with Ninja Gaiden 3 and the game became so easy that the true fans will be totally disoriented. The others will at last appreciate a great ninja action game.
GamingXP March 28, 2012
Only Ryu Hayabusa is left from the good old Ninja Gaiden games. The newest title lacks a cool story, real depth to the combat system and state-of-the-art graphics. A pitiful continuation – possibly end – for a once cool core action game series.
GRYOnline.pl April 13, 2012
Ninja Gaiden 3 is a spectacular (but not very pretty) slasher without a complex fighting system. Not everybody will like the changes and hardcore fans of previous games will surely be disappointed.
Impulsegamer May 7, 2012
Overall not a bad game, if you are a fan or just curious about this game you should like it but otherwise you will most likely not favour this game.
Play UK March 19, 2012
A huge misstep for a series that has provided a lot of good times over the years. It's oversimplified, boring and leaves the player feeling they're never quite in full control – a Very Bad Thing in the world of Ninja Gaiden.
Pelit (Finland) May 11, 2012
Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 were impressive displays from Team Ninja. The third instalment in the series is not cut from the same cloth. The combat system has been dumbed down and the enemies do not pose the threat they used to. Ninja Gaiden 3 is a big letdown.
Game Informer March 21, 2012
Ninja Gaiden 3 is not a complete train wreck, but it does suffer from a multitude of problems. The action can be fast-paced and engaging at times, but many design decisions significantly bring down the experience. Dumbed-down A.I., a limited arsenal, the series' notoriously difficult camera, no inventory/currency system, and an incoherent story combine to make this the most disappointing title in the series.
Digital Chumps March 27, 2012
It's great that Team Ninja made a new Ninja Gaiden, I just wish they stuck to what had worked so well in the past rather than try and take the series in this awkward new direction. It's still worth considering, just check your expectations and hopes at the door.
Multiplayer.it March 27, 2012
Team Ninja left the road Itakagi used to walk with such a bold attitude for so many years. The main problem with Ninja Gaiden 3 is that the new title is filled with problems and average gameplay.